Branding and Digital Marketing

3 Reasons Having a Mobile Friendly Website Will Get You Business

Written by Jorge Pacheco | Jun 14, 2018 3:30:00 PM

When designing a new website, the first thing a business owner or marketing director needs to understand is what the user experience will be. That user experience (UX) is just as critical as your logo, business card or any other branding and visual identity that you establish offline and online.

Your website should be not only functional, easy to navigate, adaptable to different devices and pleasing to the eye. If users find it hard to interact with your website, it won’t matter if it is shiny and uses the latest technology… it will be deemed useless.

A big component of making it easy for users to interact with your website is with by integrating responsive design.

What is responsive design?

Responsive web design is a visual design and development approach that allows your website to respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. For example, your website should be designed and programmed fluidly depending on the device a user will use to view it… If they view your site on a desktop, your site will look in a specific way; if they view your site on a smartphone, your site will change visually to accommodate that new screen size without losing resolution, legibility, etc. 

Years ago, businesses used to have a desktop site and then a This proved to be a hassle because of the logistics of making changes to, basically, two separate sites. With responsive design, you make a change or update and it is reflected across all devices and screen sizes.

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So, here’s the one million dollar question: what’s the point in spending time and money driving traffic to your website if it doesn’t work on mobile devices? Well, there is no point!


Here are some stats:

  • 39% of a user’s time is on a desktop platform, and 61% of a user’s time is on a mobile platform. – Global Mobile Report
  • As many as 74% of users may return to a website again if it is properly optimized for mobile usage. – Google
  • 61% of users may develop a better opinion of a company if its website delivers a positive mobile experience. – Vendasta 

If you want your website to be accessible on all devices and take the user experience a step forward, it need to be responsive – that is a fact.

So, we put together four simple reasons why it is important to keep a “mobile first” approach when designing and programming your website.

1. It’s all about the first impression

Your website is your first opportunity to sell yourself and showcase your brand values. If someone is looking at your website on a mobile device and it is not optimized to be responsive, they will most likely leave your site right away.

A website that works seamlessly on mobile shows that you’re invested in your brand and, more importantly, in your audience and website users. On the contrary, a website that only works on desktop makes you look amateur and that you don’t care about your constituency.

2. It gives you more potential to convert

Well-designed landing pages are good to boost conversions… however, websites that work across all devices are almost guaranteed to help you reach more customers and increase your profit.

Responsive design could be the difference between hundreds of new conversions or driving people away forever.

3. It helps with SEO

If you want to rank, the best way is to do your SEO organically. This means an onsite and offsite strategy. When we say “onsite” we mean your actual website. 

Responsive design can help your SEO in various ways. Here are a few:

  • It Improves Usability - Good usability increases repeat visitors and conversions, and Google is in the business of satisfying user queries.
  • It Improves Speed - Page loading times are an established and known ranking factor.
  • Decreased Bounce Rate - A mobile responsive design enables you to share relevant content and also display it in a way that is mobile device friendly, which helps reduce bounce rates.

Do you really have to have a mobile friendly website?

The bottom line is that might be losing opportunities if your website is not responsive. It has to do with user experience, branding, reach, SEO and more.

At first glance, you may think that designing a great website for your business is just about the looks or just the content. However, while these factors are important, there are many other components that need to be considered to launch a successful site.


Do you need help getting your website mobile friendly?

Contact us today for a free website evaluation and quote! (951) 479-5411 or email us at

 Streamline your website redesign with this 11-step checklist for your next website redesign.

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