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Niki Pacheco
February 21, 2023

How Inbound Marketing and Social Media Work Together to Impact Sales

Social media manager on smartphone reviewing comments while looking at social media stats on laptop and printed papers.

If you're a business owner, then you know that in order to be successful, you need to constantly be learning and evolving. And one of the most important things you can learn about is inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is all about creating quality content that attracts customers and brings them in through a variety of channels-including social media.

But in order for inbound marketing to work, it's important to have a strong social media presence. Social media provides an easy way for customers to find your content and connect with your brand. It also allows you to reach a large number of people quickly and easily.


So if you're looking for ways to improve your inbound marketing strategy, make sure you read this article. It will teach you how to use social media in inbound marketing and get the most out of it. You'll learn about the benefits of paid social media and how it can help you reach more people quickly and easily. You'll also learn tips for success with inbound marketing and social media.

What is inbound marketing and how does social media fit in

Four social media posts. 1. People by rocks. 2. people in office. 3. Coworkers by laptop. 5. People at mountains. Courtesy of bettermarketing.pub.

Inbound marketing is all about creating quality content that attracts customers and brings them in through a variety of channels-including social media.

But in order for inbound marketing to work, it's important to have a strong social media presence. Social media provides an easy way for customers to find your content and connect with your brand. It also allows you to reach a large number of people quickly and easily.

Social media is an important part of inbound marketing because it provides a direct connection to potential customers in a cost-effective and convenient way. By using social media platforms to promote inbound marketing efforts, you can reach more people in less time. Not only does this provide the opportunity for increased exposure, but it also offers the potential for building relationships with customers in meaningful ways.

Social media also enables businesses to target their messages in more relevant ways, leading to higher levels of engagement and better results in sales and loyalty. With social media's ability to segment audiences according to interests, demographics, location, and even purchase history, businesses can tailor their messages accordingly to increase relevance and effectiveness. Furthermore, social media can provide an effective platform for customer service by allowing businesses to respond quickly and meaningfully to customer feedback or queries. 

How does social media affects sales in an inbound marketing strategy

40% of people follow the news on a social media platform.
40% of users follow brands on social media. 1 in 4 users buy on social media.Nowadays, social media is not an option in marketing and the buyer’s journey, it is a fixture and it directly influences your prospects and customers purchasing decisions. A recent study from GlobalWebIndex reveals that:

  • 40 percent of people follow the news on a social media platform – which means that only 41 percent use social media to keep up with friends and family
  • About 40 percent of users are following their favorite brands on social media
  • 1 in 4 users follow brands on social media from which they might make a purchase
  • Even though retail/ecommerce sites are preferred to make purchases, social commerce is a growing aspect of social media

This confirms that social media is still a preferred way to research and find products to buy.

Social media is a great way to market your brand, products and services and it can incrementally boost your sales without spending too much money. To reap the rewards of social media content and social media advertising, you need to be active on your accounts, constantly engaging with prospects, push out the right messages to communicate with your clients and make sure that you understand the intimate relationship between your social media channels and your inbound marketing strategy.

In a nutshell, not all social media strategies work for all businesses or customer bases. However, you can directly or indirectly affect your company’s sales through the use of social media marketing

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

The benefits of social media for inbound marketing

Social media has become an essential inbound marketing tool in recent years, offering a variety of benefits to businesses. Here are 5 key advantages of using social media in inbound marketing:

  1. Increased Reach and Engagement – With social media, businesses can reach a much wider audience in a fraction of the time. The ability to target messages according to interests, demographics, location and even purchase history allows for higher levels of engagement between brands and their customers. This in turn leads to more meaningful connections as well as an increase in sales and loyalty.
  2. Cost-Effective Promotions – Paid social media campaigns can be highly effective in helping to spread the word about your content or products in an affordable way. Promotional posts on major social networks extend your reach while enabling you to personalize your audience with sophisticated targeting options. And the cost for this type of advertising is considerably lower than other forms of paid advertising.
  3. Improved Customer Service – Social media offers an effective platform for customer service allowing businesses to respond quickly and meaningfully when customers provide feedback or ask questions regarding your products or services. This one-on-one connection also helps boost customer loyalty by showing that you are responsive and attentive to their individual needs.
  4. Generating Leads – By adding paid promotion efforts into the mix, inbound marketers can effectively amplify their message with the goal of generating leads that they can follow up on through email campaigns or other means in order to convert them into paying customers.
  5. Data Collection – As mentioned above, it is best practice when it comes to paid social media campaigns to create a call-to-action (CTA) that goes to a landing page with a form where additional information about potential leads can be collected such as name, email address etc., in order devise a better strategy on how best approach them moving forward.

How to use social media in inbound marketing

woman with smartphone in hand going through social media feed. Laptop in front on table with blog article up. Inbound marketing is all about creating a connection with potential customers in order to convert them into paying customers. One of the most effective ways to do this is through social media. Here are 5 ways social media can be used in inbound marketing:

  1. Use social media to reach a wider audience in a fraction of the time - The ability to target messages according to interests, demographics, location and even purchase history allows for higher levels of engagement between brands and their customers. This in turn leads to more meaningful connections as well as an increase in sales and loyalty.
  2. Cost-Effective Promotions – Paid social media campaigns can be highly effective in helping to spread the word about your content or products in an affordable way. Promotional posts on major social networks extend your reach while enabling you to personalize your audience with sophisticated targeting options. And the cost for this type of advertising is considerably lower than other forms of paid advertising.
  3. Improved Customer Service – Social media offers an effective platform for customer service allowing businesses to respond quickly and meaningfully when customers provide feedback or ask questions regarding your products or services. This one-on-one connection also helps boost customer loyalty by showing that you are responsive and attentive to their individual needs. 
  4. Generating Leads – By adding paid promotion efforts into the mix, inbound marketers can effectively amplify their message with the goal of generating leads that they can follow up on through email campaigns or other means in order to convert them into paying customers.
  5. Data Collection – As mentioned above, it is best practice when it comes to paid social media campaigns to create a call-to-action (CTA) that goes to a landing page with a form where additional information about potential leads can be collected such as name, email address etc., in order devise a better strategy on how best approach them moving forward.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

Paid social media and its benefits

3 examples of paid ads on instagram for Tripaction, Wework and Numeric. Courtesy of smesouthafrica.co.za.Social media provides a powerful platform for businesses to reach potential customers in an efficient and cost-effective way. Social media campaigns can be tailored to target specific audiences with sophisticated targeting options that allow for increased engagement and meaningful connections. With paid social media, inbound marketers also have the ability to amplify messages and create meaningful connections with customers, which in turn will generate leads and capture important data on potential customers about their needs and preferences.

Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, grow your customer base, or increase sales, paid social media represents an important element of inbound marketing, helping businesses reach potential customers in a personalized and targeted way. 

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!



Inbound marketing should include social media content as part of its overall strategy in order to maximize its effectiveness in reaching and converting potential customers. But social media content generation is not enough. Enter social media advertising! Paid social media allows businesses to increase their reach and exposure and touch potential customers in a more personalized way, increasing engagement and generating leads.

Download our free PDF guide to understand how outbound and inbound marketing can work together and start planning an integrated inbound marketing strategy that supports your sales efforts!

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

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