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Niki Pacheco
March 28, 2023

Marketing Automation in Inbound Marketing

Marketing automation manager holding tablet. There is an overlay of computer connections and the word "marketing automation" in the middle

If you're like most business owners, you're always looking for ways to increase website conversion and lead generation. And if you're not using marketing automation in inbound marketing, you're definitely missing out on one of the most powerful tools available today. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of marketing automation, tips for personalization and examples of how it can be used in your inbound marketing strategy.

What is marketing automation

Screenshot of a Hubspot workflow for lead generation that sends notification to sales. Courtesy of Hubspot.

Marketing automation is a powerful tool in inbound marketing that allows businesses to streamline, automate, and measure various marketing tasks and workflows. It can help in the process of lead generation, website conversion, and much more. With the right tools, companies can create personalized journeys for both current and prospective customers in order to make the user experience more relevant and valuable. By leveraging data from various sources, including web analytics and customer behavior, businesses can gather insights about their target audience in order to create more relevant campaigns for them.

Workflows, highly targeted messages, lead nurturing and tracking help businesses establish better relationships with potential customers throughout the buyer’s journey; boosting conversion rates in the process.

How does marketing automation impact sales

Screenshot from Hubspot showing automation for tasks for sales team. Courtesy of Hubspot.Marketing automation can help you streamline and automate your everyday marketing tasks. But the best part of marketing automation is how it can directly impact your sales. Let’s dive in:

  • Lead scoring - surely your sales team has complained at some point about not getting qualified leads. But the reality is that it might get complicated to determine when a lead is sales-ready. Fortunately, marketing automation can do the hard work for you by implementing certain criteria based on certain actions taken on your site or landing pages. Lead scoring can be very helpful for sales teams so that they can spend more time and effort on the most qualified leads
  • Automated emails - You need to keep the conversation going with your leads–and automated emails can save your sales team so much time. For example, if someone filled in and submitted a form on one of your landing pages, a relevant email with the right content will be sent to him.
  • Automated lead nurturing - Even if someone submits a form on any of your landing pages or your website, they might not be sales-ready. When this happens, you can use automated segmentation and lead nurturing to turn a cold lead into a hot lead.
  • Upselling and cross-selling - With marketing automation you can track specific data based on user behavior and send targeted emails and notifications. For example, if someone showed interest in a product that is part of a collection, then you can set up an automatic trigger email that shows them the full product line-up.
  • Sequences - Marketing automation allows your sales team to send a series of targeted, timed email templates to nurture contacts over time. You can also automatically create tasks to remind you to follow up with your contacts. When contacts reply to the email or book a meeting, they will automatically unenroll from the sequence.

Leveraging your sales and customer retention efforts can be done the easy or hard way. Considering that an average of 49% of companies are currently using marketing automation with more than half of B2B companies (55%) adopting the technology, it’s hard to ignore what it can do for you and your sales team.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

Benefits of using marketing automation in inbound marketing

Google Ads mock up report showing CTR metrics. Courtesy of Agency AnalyticsMarketing automation in inbound marketing offers a wide range of benefits for businesses including increased website conversion rates and lead generation opportunities, better lead nurturing and real-time personalization, which allows businesses to use the information they have about prospects in order to create targeted experiences that are more likely to resonate with those individuals.

Marketing automation in inbound marketing can be used in a variety of ways to increase website conversion and lead generation, as well as for providing more personalized experiences for customers. For example, businesses can use marketing automation to segment their audiences based on customer behaviors and interests in order to create more tailored content and offers. This enables companies to send the right message to the right person at the right time in order to improve lead generation and boost website conversion rates. Companies are also able to use marketing automation in inbound marketing in order to set up automated workflows that respond in real-time based on customer behavior, allowing them to send timely, relevant messages and content when necessary.

Additionally, with the help of marketing automation, businesses can generate insights from data they have about anonymous website visitors in order to gain a better understanding of their audience and what resonates with them. They can use content recommendation engines so customers see content most relevant for their interests and understand more about these interests as leads continue engaging with content on the site.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!


Overall, marketing automation in inbound marketing provides a range of powerful tools that enable businesses to streamline their processes while increasing website conversion rates and lead generation opportunities. It helps them create personalized journeys for customers in order for them to find what they need quickly without having to sort through irrelevant content or offers that don’t resonate with their needs or interests. In a nutshell marketing automation:

  1. Can help businesses increase website conversion and lead generation. 
  2. Makes the process of lead generation more efficient and effective. 
  3. Allows businesses to create personalized journeys for their current and prospective customers.
  4. Helps businesses gain data about their anonymous website visitors. 
  5. Can recommend content to customers based on their interests.

With its wide range of benefits, it’s no wonder why more businesses are turning towards this effective method of inbound marketing.

Download our free PDF guide to understand how outbound and inbound marketing can work together and start planning an integrated inbound marketing strategy that supports your sales efforts!

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

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