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Jorge Pacheco
March 14, 2023

Paid Advertising and Inbound Marketing: A Winning Combination

Paid ads manager with smartphone in hands checking ad mock up. laptop blurred in the background.

If you're a business owner, then you know that in order to be successful, you need to constantly be generating new leads. And in order to generate those leads, you need to be using paid advertising channels effectively. But what are the best paid media channels for inbound marketing? How can you make sure that your campaigns are successful?

This article will discuss the benefits of inbound marketing and how it can help your business grow, as well as the different types of paid media channels that are available and how to use them effectively. We'll also look at how to measure the success of inbound marketing and paid advertising campaigns, and provide tips for creating a successful inbound marketing campaign that incorporates paid advertising.

So if you're looking for ways to increase traffic to your website and generate more leads, read on. Paid advertising and inbound marketing can work together beautifully to help your business reach its goals.

What is inbound marketing and paid advertising, and how do they work together

Google AdWords screenshot showing campaign results. Courtesy of Neil Patel

Inbound marketing and paid advertising are two powerful tools that businesses can use to generate leads and traffic. Inbound marketing involves publishing content on a website or blog, while paid advertising involves purchasing ads in order to reach a wider audience. Paid advertising can be used in conjunction with inbound marketing to great effect, but it's important to make sure that the campaigns are well-funded in order to see a good return on investment.

There are many different types of paid media channels that you can use in your inbound marketing campaigns. Paid search and paid social are the two most common, and both allow you to target specific keywords in order to reach the right people. Additionally, inbound marketing allows you to collect data and track results in order to understand what's working, and what isn't, which can help you optimize your campaigns in the future.

Paid media channels and how to use them effectively for your inbound marketing campaign


PPC (Pay-Per-Click): PPC is an extremely effective inbound marketing tool in which businesses pay a fee each time their ad is clicked on. This type of ad is typically placed in the search results or in relevant content, and allows businesses to target specific keywords in order to reach the right people. Additionally, in order to make sure that your PPC campaigns are effective, it's important to track metrics such as cost per lead, click-through rate, and conversion rate in order to understand what's working and what isn't.

Paid Social: Using paid social media for inbound marketing is a great way to reach more people with your content. By targeting specific keywords, you can ensure that your ads are shown to the right people, and by tracking the results of your campaigns, you can optimize them for future success. Paid social media is an effective tool in inbound marketing, and should be used in conjunction with other channels such as paid search and content publishing in order to reach your target audience.

Retargeting: Retargeting allows you to target people who have already visited your website with ads that are specifically tailored to them. It works using a cookies-based technology that follows your audience (historical website visitors and email addresses) around the internet with two main goals: re-engagement and nurturing.

Niche/Industry Publications: You can target your audience simply by choosing to work with a publication whose persona matches yours. There are many publications online and offline that manage specific audiences, and they often have multiple ad products that can suit your exact needs.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): ABM targets specific personas with sales-focused content—as if each persona is its own unique market. For example, if you have a list that falls into any of your personas, you can segment it and deliver paid media ads that directly address their pain point.

Content Syndication: This is when a website aggregates content based on the user’s topic preferences. Content syndication is a paid program where the vendor posts your ebook or report and gates it with a form. You then receive all of the leads who filled out the form to get your content.

Paid Email Programs: There are organizations that specialize in data mining and collect emails and phone numbers. You can give them your persona parameters and they will match it with their database and send an email to their database list on your behalf. You then get the leads that interact with your content.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

Measuring the success of inbound marketing and paid advertising campaigns

Google Ads mock up report showing CTR metrics. Courtesy of Agency AnalyticsMeasuring the success of inbound marketing and paid advertising campaigns is essential in order to determine whether or not your efforts are paying off in terms of lead generation, website conversion and ROI. To effectively measure the success of your inbound marketing and paid advertising campaigns, it's important to track key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per lead, and ROI. Additionally, in order to optimize your campaigns in the future, it's important to analyze what has worked well in terms of audience targeting and ad placement, as well as what hasn't worked so well in terms of campaign performance and results.

There are three main benchmarks to consider:

  1. Increasing traffic and brand awareness: It's not a secret that it's hard to quantify your ROI for brand awareness, but they are still relevant when it comes to website visitors (including referral traffic) and engagement on social.
  2. Lead generation: One of the main goals of inbound marketing is to drive leads to your website, which is a common goal when it comes to paid media. When it comes to lead generation, we suggest to measure the number of people who fill out a form, claim an offer,  sign up for a promotion or attend your webinar.
  3. Nurturing leads: Most first-time blog readers or website visitors won’t be ready to make a purchase quite yet, so it’s crucial to nurture these contacts until they are ready. A low hanging fruit to measure comes in the form of how many leads converted on a retargeting ad or an email nurturing workflow and made a purchase. By tracking and measuring these metrics diligently, you can ensure that your inbound marketing and paid advertising efforts are effective, targeted, and producing results.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!


Inbound marketing is a long-term investment as you need to be very consistent and persistent to gain organic authority. On the other hand, paid advertising offers instant gratification, but once your ad budget is spent, those ads are gone forever. Fortunately, together, inbound marketing and paid advertising can be a winning combination to get more brand awareness.

By tracking the key metrics associated with each approach, you can fine-tune your efforts to ensure that you are getting the most out of both inbound marketing and paid advertising. As long as you are patient and consistent in your inbound marketing efforts, you will see a payoff in terms of increased website traffic and lead generation.

Download our free PDF guide to understand how outbound and inbound marketing can work together and start planning an integrated inbound marketing strategy that supports your sales efforts!

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

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