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Jorge Pacheco
November 10, 2021

ADA Web Compliance Lawsuits on the Rise



Hi, my name is Jorge Pacheco and today we'll quickly talk about the landscape of ADA website compliance in 2021.

The number of ADA web compliance lawsuits rose 64% in the first half of 2021 from a year earlier.

Overall, lawsuits have risen steadily, to about 3,500 in 2020 from roughly 2,900 in 2019 and about 2,300 in 2018, and it is predicted that there will be more than 4,000 lawsuits for all of 2021 if trends hold.

The increased use of e-commerce and the internet in general during the Covid-19 pandemic brought more awareness of accessibility issues, but advocates say many companies still don’t give priority to accessibility when they design new products and features. This is one of the main reasons E-commerce companies are sued most often, accounting for 74% of federal cases between Jan. 1 and June 21. Other industries getting sued left and right include finance and banking, food service and healthcare.

The latest decision in Domino’s Pizza vs. Robles might encourage more lawsuits. So, it seems that ADA website compliance is here to stay, so, the best you can do is take a look at your site and start implementing remediation to mitigate the risk of a lawsuit.

If you are curious to know whether your site is compliant, visit ada.kulturekonnect.com for a quick bird's view report.

Whether you’re brand-new to accessibility or a compliance expert, this report will save you  time and money! Scan your site now!

avoid a costly lawsuit or settlement. Scan your site and receive a bird's eye report of accessibility issues within minutes. Scan your website now: https://ada.kulturekonnect.com

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