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Niki Pacheco
February 08, 2016

Super Bowl 50: Best 2016 Super Bowl Commercials

superbowl 50 logoEvery year football fans around the nation sit around to watch the Big Game. But how many of the 184 million viewers are just there for the ads? Well, in 2014, USAtoday.com reports "A survey of 1,000 people by San Francisco ad agency Venables Bell & Partners showed 78 percent of Americans (up from 59 percent in 2011) look forward to Super Bowl commercials more than the game. " I am not afraid to admit that the ads are the reason I watch!  We took a small poll here to see which ones stood out with our creatives.  And here are the top three.

The Sheep

Hands down this was the favorite here at Kulture Konnect.


The Ultra Sound

The ad was definitely geared towards the moms watching the super bowl. Who could resist watching a dorito-induced  labor!?!?!


Great Message

This was only a teaser but it really illustrated such a strong message. It is gutsy to do an educational ad instead of a funny one. We loved it. 


If you would like to see more, check them out here!

This year offered a great variety of visual entertainment. Let us know in the comments below which one was your favorite!


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