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Jorge Pacheco
May 31, 2016

3 Reasons Why Restaurant Menu Boards Are Important

pizza menu board

The restaurant industry depends on suggestive selling and upselling, and a menu board allows restaurant owners to have more influence on the way a guest engages with your brand and food in a very dynamic and significative way. Here are three reasons that tell us why menu boards are still relevant for restaurants today:

  1. They allow for a connection with your guest - With a defined marketing and branding strategy, a menu board can support your efforts to create a more integrated experience. It will engage your customer, it can help educate them about menu items, drive their craving and be a key differentiator in the overall experience with the brand.

    menu board on the wall

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  2. Design options are note limited anymore - With all the different materials out there, design options are not limited to a simple PVC, backlit design behind the register. Restaurant menu boards are now part of the architectural desiign process. They are not an after thought any more, their placement and usage is being considered beforehand to make sure it follows the personality and essence of the restaurant as a brand experience. 

    menu board design


    press pot menu

  3. Ultimately, what matters is your guest - Nowadays, people care more than ever about value than anything else. They want quality in comparison to what they pay, and this quality is measure, from the guest's point of view, through the overall experience, from the moment they set foot in the door to the moment they looks at a menu board to decide what they want to the moment the sit at a table to enjoy their meal. 

So, in conclusion, your menu boards should do more for your restaurant than simply listing items. They should offer a clear way for your customer to engage with your brand and, most importantly, become loyal to your food and environment. 

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