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Niki Pacheco
January 03, 2023

3 ways to use inbound and outbound marketing together to impact sales

Three executives looking at sales and marketing reports on tablet laptop and printed papers

Inbound marketing is a great way to connect with potential customers, but it’s not enough on its own. You need to use inbound in conjunction with other marketing tactics, like paid advertising, in order to be successful. This can be a winning combination that makes the difference for your sales team. As a small business owner or marketer, you should definitely read this blog for more information on why inbound marketing should be enhanced with other marketing tactics.

Why are so few businesses using inbound marketing in conjunction with other tactics?

It’s simple: most business owners don’t know that inbound can be enhanced with other methods. In fact, if you only use inbound marketing alone, you may be casting too wide of a net and not reaching your target audience. Paid advertising can help extend your reach and re-engage leads who have become inactive. Additionally, lead nurturing, scoring abilities and technology are essential for success with inbound marketing. By taking a full-funnel view of inbound marketing, you can create a comprehensive strategy that will help you reach your business goals. So what are you waiting for? Start reading this article now!

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

Inbound Marketing + Outbound Marketing = A Winning Combination for your Sales Team

As we know, inbound marketing is a more customer-centric view of marketing that helps to nurture leads through the buying process until they become customers, while outbound marketing, on the other hand, relies mostly on interruption tactics like cold emails and paid media emails in order to generate leads. Alone, each approach can only do so much, together you will have a more holistic approach to get the best of both worlds. Inbound methods help to identify qualified leads and nurture them with helpful content and offers until they are ready to buy, while outbound methods can be used to reach more prospects who may not be interested in your inbound content yet. This combination allows you to target a larger audience with relevant messages that are more likely to result in sales.

Inbound marketing is a great way to connect with potential customers

Inbound marketing is a great way to connect with prospects in today’s modern world. It enables you to build meaningful relationships with prospects by providing them with relevant, timely content that speaks to their needs and interests. With inbound marketing, you can create content in the form of blog posts, whitepapers, webcasts, infographics, and more in order to attract the right customers and keep them engaged.

In addition to creating content that speaks directly to your prospects’ interests, inbound marketing also allows you to nurture leads through personalized emails and direct outreach. You can also use inbound marketing as part of your lead scoring process in order to better identify which leads are most likely ready to buy. And since inbound marketing involves building relationships rather than pitching a product or service right away, it helps build trust between you and potential customers over time.

Furthermore, inbound marketing offers various analytics tools so that you can measure the performance of your efforts and refine your strategy for even better results. This includes tracking the ROI of each campaign in terms of conversion rates and other key metrics in order to maximize budget efficiency. Also, inbound is highly cost-effective because it requires fewer resources (time, money) compared with traditional outbound tactics like TV ads or billboards. Overall, inbound is a great way for businesses of any size to reach their target audience and make meaningful connections with them.

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

However, inbound marketing alone is not enough and should be used in conjunction with other marketing tactics

Yes, you read it right! Inbound marketing alone is not enough. It should be used in conjunction with other marketing tactics in order to get the most out of your efforts and drive real results. With the right mix of inbound and outbound tactics, you can create a comprehensive plan for success that reaches your desired audience in multiple ways.

By combining inbound with other marketing methods, you can ensure that each stage of your buyer’s journey has the support it needs in order to move them down the funnel toward becoming a customer. For instance, awareness-building campaigns such as paid advertising can reach larger audiences in a short amount of time while inbound content focuses on building relationships with those who are already aware. Content creation can then be used to nurture leads, while lead scoring helps identify which prospects are ready to buy. And finally, technology and analytics tools offer critical insight into how campaigns are performing so that businesses can optimize their strategies for even better results.

Overall, there are several different types of marketing tactics that can be used in conjunction with inbound marketing for maximum effectiveness. These include paid advertising such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads; email marketing campaigns; influencer marketing; content syndication; direct outreach from sales teams; networking events; and tradeshow attendance. By using these tactics together in an integrated manner, small business owners and marketers alike can make sure they’re reaching their target audience in an effective way and driving real growth for their company. Let’s expand a little more on paid media, lead scoring and the importance of taking a funnel-view into account.

1. Paid advertising can help extend your reach and re-engage inbound leads

Words centered: Paid advertising. Logos around: bing, youtube, yahoo, facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, instagram. Courtesy of cloudways.com.

Paid advertising, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads, is a powerful marketing tactic in its own right. However, when used in conjunction with inbound marketing, it can have an even greater impact on your business. For one thing, paid advertising allows you to reach and engage new audiences that may not be exposed to inbound content and can help extend the reach of your inbound campaigns. In addition, paid advertising has the power to re-engage inbound leads who may have fallen out of touch or gotten distracted by other offers along their buyer’s journey. By targeting these individuals with ads that speak directly to their interests and needs, you can reignite their interest in your product or service and get them back on track in the purchase process.

Overall, using paid advertising in conjunction with inbound marketing can help businesses of all sizes to reach more potential customers, drive even better results from inbound campaigns, and ultimately grow their business in a cost-effective way. And with tools like Google Ads or Facebook Ads at your disposal, there’s no reason not to take advantage of this powerful combination today!

Inbound marketing alone is not enough. Leverage the power of inbound marketing to support your sales. Get your guide now!

2. Lead nurturing, scoring abilities, and technology are essential for inbound marketing success

Screenshot of lead nurturing settings in hubspot. Courtesy of Hubspot.com.

In addition to inbound marketing and paid advertising, there are several other essential elements that businesses must consider in order to achieve success with inbound. Chief among these is lead nurturing, which involves creating personalized content for leads as they progress through their buyer’s journey. This can include everything from blog posts about your industry or product category, to webinars, ebooks, and case studies that answer specific questions or address pain points in your target audience’s lives. Another key element of inbound marketing is the ability to score leads based on their behavior and engagement with inbound content. In this way, you can identify which prospects are most likely to convert into customers and focus your efforts accordingly.

And finally, in order to measure inbound marketing campaigns and determine which strategies are working best, you will need access to advanced analytics tools that provide insights into the performance of your inbound programs. Altogether, these three elements—lead nurturing, lead scoring, and marketing analytics—are critical for inbound success and should be considered by any business looking to grow their brand through inbound marketing. With the right approach and a commitment to ongoing optimization, you can drive real results for your company using inbound alone or in combination with other marketing tactics—and achieve the growth you’ve been striving for.

3. Taking a full-funnel view of inbound marketing is necessary for small businesses

When it comes to inbound marketing, it’s important for small businesses to take a full-funnel view in order to achieve real results. This means that in addition to focusing on inbound channels like content creation and promotion, you should also be thinking about how your paid advertising efforts can contribute to inbound growth. Other tactics that should be considered in this regard include lead nurturing, lead scoring, and marketing analytics tools that provide insights into the performance of your campaigns.

By taking a full-funnel approach to inbound marketing and using inbound tactics in combination with other marketing strategies, small businesses can drive more leads, increase conversion rates, and cultivate loyal customers over time. So if you are ready to take your inbound marketing efforts to the next level, be sure to consider these essential elements for success.


In today's digital landscape, inbound marketing is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. However, in order to achieve real results with inbound marketing, it is necessary to take a full-funnel approach that incorporates paid advertising and other essential tactics like lead nurturing, scoring, and analytics tools. By leveraging inbound strategies in combination with other marketing strategies, small businesses can drive more leads, increase conversion rates, and cultivate loyal customers over time. Whether you are just starting out with inbound marketing or looking to optimize your existing campaigns, there are many ways to realize success using this powerful strategy.

Download this cheat sheet to get your inbound marketing program started.

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