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Jorge Pacheco
July 01, 2022

5 Reasons We Love America


Whether you live in or outside The United States, we all feel somehow connected to this beautiful and extraordinary country. Since the celebration of our independence is around the corner, I wanted to write this article to point the main reasons why we all love the US - in no specific order of preference, it's hard to choose one over the other: 

A melting pot

In the United States we celebrate and embrace diversity and value the cultural legacy from so many that have come from different places of the world... A legacy that has shaped us into the country we are today. 

The natural parks and coastlines

The US is so vast and you can experience about every landscape on Earth: from the Grand Canyon to the epic Rocky Mountains to the infinite miles of breathtaking coastline. I am convinced that all these awe-inspiring natural treasures are the reason that road trips exist.


Football, baseball, hockey or basketball... We really enjoy supporting our teams, but the best part is the excitement and and unparalleled sense of community sports bring to our lives.


Despite the diverse all the ups and downs, we love to celebrate, remember and commemorate different things throughout the year. Holidays like the 4th of July bring people together, makes us forget our troubles and gives us a reason to remember how lucky we are to live in the USA. 

The opportunities

America is known as the land of opportunity, where one could achieve anything if they put their mind to it. As a business owner, I know that the opportunities for growth and success are greater.


There are far too many reasons to list why I love this country. It has allowed me to love, to fail, to succeed and to keep on dreaming. God bless America! Enjoy this 4th of July safely with friends and family!

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