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Jorge Pacheco
June 01, 2022

6 Tips to Build a Winning Social Media Strategy for 2022

Several people holding phones and using social media.
If you don't have your social media strategy ready for this year, now’s the perfect time to do it. Sure, a social media strategy can be daunting and we are already at the end of the second quarter of 2022, but having a plan will allow your brand tackle its goals with a sense of purpose.

So, whether you’re new to social or just want to check on your priorities, make sure that you follow these 6 tips.

1. Set goals that make sense for your business

But the trick here is that you’re just not setting any goal, you’re setting goals that make sense for your business and what you want to get from social media. For example, you might want to build a community, a more dedicated following or make more impact on your revenue this year. In any case, your goals will define your content strategy and how much time and energy you’ll need to dedicate to your campaigns.

Social marketers' top goals for social 70% increase BRAND AWARENESS, 59% Sales/lead generation, 48% Increase community engagement, 46% Grow my brand's audience, 45% Increase web traffic (image source: Sprout Social)

Here are the 5 most general goals that can help you get started:

  1. Increase brand awareness. When working with this goal, make sure that you avoid promotional messages and push the personality and values of your brand instead.
  2. Generate leads and sales. Here you can be as promotional as you can to make sure your audience takes an action. CTAs can vary from directing people to your Facebook store to driving people to specific sales funnels to alerting people about new products and promos.
  3. Grow your audience. Everyone wants more followers, and bringing them to your social media pages means finding different ways to present your brand in front of them, including paid reach, discovering and participating in group conversations and more. To do this, you will need to make sure to set up your accounts to monitor and listen to specific keywords, phrases or hashtags.
  4. Increase community engagement. Many brands get a lot of followers but very low engagement. This means a very low amount of “likes,” shares and comments. Make sure to be active and interact with your followers every time you get any type of engagement and experiment with the type of messaging and content you’re putting out there, try with user generated content and test different hashtags.
  5. Drive traffic to your site. A good KPI is the referral traffic that you get from your social media accounts to your website. However, you need to be specific about your goal here as it is not just about sending people to your home page. You need to define if the goal is to generate leads, submit a quote request or to download a resource. Keeping an eye on these conversions will help you figure out your ROI from social media in a more effective way.

You can have one goal or a combination of goals and stick with them, just have in mind to keep it simple, otherwise social media can become a distraction.

social media marketing video audit

2. Research your audience

Take your time doing this. It’s OK to make some assumptions, but your persona and overall audience should be based on research and facts. The good news is that much of what you need to know about your audience is already available, and you can always use other tools such as online surveys to find out more about it.

Example of audience research tool in action.
(Image Source: Social Bakers)

One thing to remember is that different platforms attract different audiences. For example, Facebook and YouTube have a high-earning user base, which makes them the ideal place for for ads; Instagram and TikTok’s users are millennials preferred platforms where you would find personal content that is filled with each user’s personality; and LinkedIn’s audience is professionals and businesses with industry-specific content, something you wouldn't see on Facebook or Instagram.

Caution! Don’t spread yourself too thin trying to make an impact and manage several channels. Instead, focus on those platforms where you know you can reach your audience.

3. Know your most relevant metrics and KPIs

Whether you are selling a product or service or looking for brand awareness, your decisions should be based on data and facts. This means that you need to focus on the metrics that will make a difference. Some of those metrics include reach, clicks, engagement, hashtag performance, sentiment and paid vs organic results.

Social media tool showing different social media metrics.
(Image Source: Klipfolio)

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4. Create engaging content

This means not only original content, but also curated content. Once you have set your goals, researched your audience and defined your KPIs, you should be able to have a pretty good idea of what kind of content should create a spark with your audience and on which platforms. Time to create a content strategy!

Cristiano famous person Sample social media account posting engaging content.(Image Source: @cristiano)

To get your content strategy going, you should figure out your theme. From filters to colors to captions to design elements to how you stage your images, it all sets the consistency of your brand on any given platform and its personality and tone of voice.

When creating content, make sure that you also tap on the trends of each platform. For example, stories on Facebook or Instagram create a sense of interactivity and urgency for users making your brand more personal. A lot of brands use stories for events.

Also, make sure you stay on top of what your competitors are doing. This will give you a sense of what is working and not working for them in terms of keywords, industry terms, and content in general.

5. It’s all about timely posting

So, not only you’re expected to post amazing and unique content, but also post such content on time for your audience. Unfortunately, you cant be available 24/7/365 to post fresh content for your followers, how can you maximize your social media schedule and the time you spend on social media? 

Facebook Global Engagement graph.
(Image Source: Sprout Social)

The first thing to do is to identify the best times to engage with your audience. Then, most importantly, make sure that your team is available to answer any question or concern when you post. It is critical to maintain engagement after posting. Do not ever leave a follower hanging.

Whether it’s capitalizing on a compliment or responding to a question, businesses shouldn’t leave customers hanging.

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6. Monitor and adjust Assess what’s working, what isn’t and how to keep improving

At this point you should have pretty much all you need to ignite or revamp your social media strategy for 2022. However, it is important to know that your social media strategy should not be rigid, instead, you should be able to adapt your strategy as the year progresses.

Example social media report from Hootsuite.(Image Source: Hootsuite)

Social media, just like any other marketing strategy, is a matter of trial and error, there isn’t a magic formula. So, be open to keeping an organic approach so you can proactively adjust your plan and assess better your KPIs

Have fun with it!

Social media is not only about posting here and there every once in a while. There are quite a few moving pieces that you need to have in mind for a successful strategy, but, one thing we know is that it doesn’t have to be a chore. If you set goals that specify actions for your team and address what we’ve talked about above, you should be ahead of the fame and ready to have fun with it.

If you need an a sounding board for your ideas, feel free to reach out at                              support@kulturekonnect.com or 951-479-5411 and we will be happy to help.

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