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Jorge Pacheco
June 01, 2022

Marketing channels affecting website performance in a website redesign

 A hand of an executive pressing over the graph chart.

When it comes to using marketing channels to bring in new customers, it’s far better to work smarter, not harder—especially when redesigning your company’s website.

And the easiest way to make your marketing channels work for you is by identifying your top-performing channels. If done correctly, this simple step can reap huge rewards that can significantly enhance your business’s online success. 

Sounds nice, right? 

By clearly determining which marketing channels bring in the most customers and how they affect your website performance, it’s infinitely easier to know where to target the bulk of your marketing efforts. So don’t waste money on marketing channels that won’t boost your conversation rates or bring in new visitors to your page—instead, identify the best marketing channels to help you achieve your business goals a lot quicker, and a lot more effectively.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

Social media measurement: 

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, you name it—nearly every member of your target audience is using some form of social media in their daily lives, whether for entertainment or connection. And, if your customers are on social media, your company should be too. Especially on the platforms your target persona or existing customers are using. To break it down more clearly, 55% of people discover new websites through social media. Plus, 78% say that a positive experience with a company’s social media account will make them consider using that business’s service.

That’s why it's essential to understand how social media drives leads to your website. Assess how effective certain social media platforms or marketing strategies are for your specific brand. Learn the lingo unique to each platform and experiment with how you present your company with the right personality and post content. It is important to remember here that a post content strategy alone is great, but, without an ad strategy, your reach and exposure is minimal for smaller brands. For example, the average reach of an organic post on a Facebook Page is around 5.20%, which means that only about 5 in every 100 fans sees your page's non-promoted content… With this in mind, our recommendation is to always pair your social media content strategy with an ad strategy, which will allow you to grow your exposure and audience with a small budget, learn buying patterns, increase brand awareness and promote your products and services beyond your actual page. If done well, it will lead visitors right back to social media page, your website or get the phone ringing. 

Organic vs. Paid: 

Both organic and paid traffic are positive for your online presence; however, it’s important to continuously assess the difference between the two, and how much of your marketing budget is going towards bringing in paid visitors. Paid visitors (or pay-per-click) does an instant job of boosting your ranking–but the moment you stop paying, you start dropping in the ranks. The more search traffic that can be attributed to organic SEO, the better. After all, high-performing organic SEO means that the content on your website is doing a good job matching with customer’s needs.  Strong organic SEO helps establish brand authority and your company’s relevance in the industry, which will ensure customers trust your brand over others for the long run. That’s why it’s important to consider ways in which your website redesign can utilize the power of organic SEO.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

Email marketing: 

Just sending out a friendly email newsletter every week isn’t enough to create serious results. When using email marketing as a marketing platform, identifying successful strategies that have previously proven to resonate with your audience is key. Think of ways in which you can improve your email marketing even further, for example: 

  • A/B testing new or existing content
  • Optimizing structure for mobile-friendly formatting
  • List segmentation to break down your subscribers into different groups and create more personalized email campaigns to better suit each type of customer persona
  • Tracking email campaign results through a variety of tools, including sources such as your preferred distribution platform and Google Analytics for valuable insights on referrals
  • Distribution schedule consistency
  • Landing page relationships to sustain engagement levels
  • Lead nurturing and automation after form submissions.

Content marketing: 

Content marketing can be a confusing term, so, let’s start by establishing what it is… Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, engage, and retain prospects and customers by providing them with relevant information about their immediate needs and wants. This information can come in the form of blog articles, videos, podcasts, and other media. It is an integral part of inbound marketing as it demonstrates your expertise, promotes brand awareness, and helps to walk prospects through the buyer’s journey and allows customers to become brand ambassadors.

Content marketing is so relevant today that 66% of surveyed marketing companies expect to increase their B2B content marketing budget in 2022. And this was already after 43% of those same companies expanded their content marketing budget in 2021! These companies understand that the reason to invest in content marketing is because it helps them build trust, develop relationships, improve conversions, and generate leads.


Buyers vs. browsers: 


Not all visitors are created equal. 

Some people visit a site to take a quick look around and then never return. Others in the final stages of the purchasing funnel are mere seconds away from buying a service or product from your site. Understanding the difference between the two types of visitors—and which channels brought each type of visitor to your page—can help you figure out where to focus your marketing attention. After all, it’s far easier to convince a visitor already on the cusp of buying to purchase from your company than it is to try and convince a visitor who just happened to click your way.



By understanding which marketing channels are most effective at bringing in new visitors and driving up engagement, you can determine where to focus the bulk of your attention when redesigning a website. Learn more about why it’s better to make smart marketing investments on specific marketing channels, rather than attempting to flood every possible marketing channel with content, by downloading our highly informative website redesign guide here

And after you’ve done that, don’t miss next week’s article, which covers all of the reasons why it’s crucial to know what elements have been successful in a website redesign. If you’re serious about designing a truly effective website, this is a must read. 


11 Step Checklist to Make Your Website Your #1 Salesperson


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