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Hi, my name is Jorge Pacheco. Today I want to touch base on different tools that have become mainstream for accessibility as well as ways to test accessibility.
Unfortunately, accessibility for the web is very ambiguous and it actually makes it a challenge to be able to implement remediation. Unlike accessibility regulations for buildings, there is no clear framework for violations on the internet and there is no consensus in Congress, which leaves it pretty much up to the local circuits to make the best judgment.
This means that, even though businesses make the effort to be compliant, they can still get sued. Unfortunately, some law firms have seen this as an opportunity to make an extra buck. They have been farming small and medium businesses websites to get them to settle (because litigation might be an expensive approach) and then they move on to their next target.
As a business, there are two main ways to approach accessibility remediation.
1. There are a handful of businesses that offer AI reporting, but, the downside is that these types of reports tend to miss things that human testing could identify
2. The best way to remediation is through human testing, but this is a very expensive option that normally small or medium businesses can't afford
With this said, businesses should focus on accessibility from the start. It is way easier to maintain some sort of accessibility from the very beginning instead of having to incur in the cost of remediation.
Finally, accessibility, and websites in general, are not a one-time-and-forget-it deal. First of all, you always have to have a monthly maintenance plan for your website to keep your code clean, fix broken links, check on spam and forms, etc. And in terms of accessibility, unfortunately, even with human testing, there is no way your site will be 100% accessible all the time, so you have to maintain it as well to make sure that your efforts are not in vain.
If you're ready to have a quick bird's view of how accessible your site is, visit
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