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Niki Pacheco
July 14, 2016

Building Our Kulture Konnect Team: Welcome Silvia!

Silvia up closeA few months back, we received a request from our website from someone looking for an internship experience. We reviewed it and thought it would be a great idea and then it got buried in the pile of tasks to be completed. A couple weeks went by and we received another note from the same person and then a little later, a phone call and then another phone call! Who could this person be who was so persistent without being too pushy? Who was this person who had the patience of 10 monks? It was Silvia... our new marketing coordinator intern!

Silvia has taken on a 3-month internship here at Kulture Konnect and in the three weeks that she has been with us so far, she has made a big impact. She takes on every task genuinely interested to learn more. She follows through and completes all tasks thrown at her with flying colors.

So, without further ado, please join us in welcoming Silvia to the team!

KK: What have you gotten out of your internship at Kulture Konnect    so far and what more do you hope to get?

S: I think it’s really important to soak in as much as possible. I’ve learned how to use the different programs/websites such as HubSpot, ProWork Flow, Status Brew.  When I really think about it, I didn’t realize how many of these programs a company (especially in marketing) needs in order to track everything.  I’ve also had a glimpse doing a little email marketing. It’s interesting to learn the science behind it; how to write an engaging email that a potential client will open and click on.  Marketing Personas is a huge one I was a bit confused at the beginning, but later understood what it truly meant. It really made me realize to think deeper, be in the shoes of that person.  It reminded me how important it is to think about what the client is thinking or what their daily work lives are like to understand their needs and what I can do to help them achieve their goals.  Yesterday, I was working on a little SEO, finding keywords for a client. I’ve always wanted to understand SEO and how it’s done. There would be times where I’d be searching something on Google and ask myself, “how do these people get to the top of the search engine?”. HubSpot and Status Brew have been a favorite of mine since it’s dealing with social media. To be able to track your progress feels great. I know at times those numbers aren’t always going to be in the positive, but when they are in the negative it challenges you to dig deeper. It helps you understand what’s working and what’s not.  

KK: What has been the favorite element of marketing that you have learned so far.

S: It has always been fascinating to me what grabs people’s attention. For example, the science behind social media, the billboard on Sunset Blvd., what does it take? How can someone create a product and lure people in? Every time I see an advertisement that catches my eye, I ask myself those questions.

KK: How has this internship differed from your marketing classes you have been taking?

S: I haven’t gotten to the marketing courses yet as I am fairly a new university student, but I am taking a “Research and Writing in Communications” course, which is helping me become a better writer. This course will also allow me to research my career and understand it in depth. I am also enrolled in a leadership course. This course, I believe will help me better understand the responsibilities/roles of a leader and how I can apply that to my career.

KK: What is your favorite food?

S: Oh boy, I am a huge foodie! It’s hilarious, since I have a fast metabolism. I get teased for this by friends: I can literally eat whatever I want without gaining much. I love Mexican food, Italian, Thai, sushi, comfort, southern, you name it! I’ll eat it. As long as it does not look alive. I guess you could say I am not a fan of Red Lobster.

KK: What is your favorite color?

S:  I’d have to say black. Whether it’s cars, a good dress or eyeliner; It goes with everything! 

KK: Fun fact about yourself?

S: I am a huge sports nerd. I’m a Lakers and Angels fan. I even played fantasy football last season and won the whole thing, mind you I do not have a favorite NFL team or knew much about football. I do have love for Julio Jones from the Atlanta Falcons, though. 

In conclusion, we thoroughly enjoy having Silvia on the team and look forward to seeing what the future may hold.

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