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Niki Pacheco
March 16, 2020

COVID-19: Keeping Our Community Safe During the Coronavirus Pandemic

 Coronavirus text on a newspaper

As global concern about the current COVID-19 pandemic grows, we’re doing our best to keep everyone healthy and safe in our workplace while also minimizing the disruptions to our day-to-day operations. With this in mind, our team has been provided with all the tools to support our clients remotely from their homes.  Kulture Konnect is committed to keeping our employees and clients safe and healthy so we also be moving any of our in-person meetings to be virtual meetings until it has been deemed safe by our state health professionals to resume in-person contact.

Our top priority is to deliver the best experience to our clients and keep everyone safe and healthy. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us or just reply to this email. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding… Be safe and let's use these changing times to show solidarity and compassion. We urge everyone to make responsible decisions for the well-being of humanity and stay in your home. Together, we can fight this!

Here are helpful, links to stay educated on the progression of events and nationwide decisions.

CDC Information

Riverside Public Health

John Hopkins Coronavirus Map

Let's do our part to #flattenthecurve

California Department of Health

Are you also working from home during this uncertain time? Here are some great tips how how to boost your productivity and make the most from your work-from-home status! There are many resources, tips and tricks out there to help make this a very positive experience for yourself and your co-workers.

7 Tips on how to efficiently work from home during the coronavirus pandemic.



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