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Niki Pacheco
June 23, 2020

ANNOUNCING! High Vibe Granola Website Launch


We are happy to announce the launch of High Vibe Granola's brand new website! This is a woo commerce subscription site where consumers can sign up to receive granola regularly mailed to them via a monthly subscription. Clarisse Jereza, High Vibe's fearless leader, conveys her passion for creating these fabulous superfoods with the mission of helping us all thrive and live our best version of ourselves. She is an inspiration to us all and we know this new tool will lift her to new heights in entrepreneurial journey! 

To begin this wonderful project, we took a deep dive into the who, the what and the why. We unearthed the who our target market is so we could design the User Experience to cater to this demographic.  We dug deep into journey mapping to see what the typical sales cycle looks like for High Vibe Granola so we could learn from it and build upon it to make this new subscription sales cycle work smoothly and effectively. 

"I've been working with KK with my brand for a couple years now. And I always appreciate the aesthetics and the workmanship and quality I receive from them. They really know how to make my brand stand out."

-Clarisse Jereza

Please watch the video above to see the before and after of the website. We will point out specific tactics we used to make a powerful and successful e-commerce subscription site. 

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Transcript of Video:

Hi, this is Niki from Kulture Konnect, and today I want to share with you all a before-and-after website project that we have recently completed. On the left hand, you'll see the original website which was built through the Wix platform. And on the right hand side, you'll see a custom-built website that is an e-commerce subscription site so people can purchase granola and get it sent to them regularly monthly and be billed monthly as well. Well, did you know that 75% of website credibility comes from design? So, you can see here the right-hand side really embraces the High Vibe Superfood Granola brand also six in ten shoppers say website usability is important for them. So what we really strive to do with the redesign is make it easier for the shoppers to navigate the High Vibe website. We created a very clear and concise navigation bar up at the top here when you scroll, it becomes sticky at the top. So it's always there no matter what section of the website you're looking at. Here on the the wix site on the left hand side, you'll see as we scroll up, you lose all capabilities of navigating through the website. We also created this sub bar up at the top where people can subscribe to buy the granola right away as well as get in touch with the company via Facebook, Instagram and email and have a very quick and clear way to get to their shopping cart, to get to their account, and to search products throughout the website. As you scroll down here, you'll see that on the Wix website over here on the left, there's no call-to-action button on the hero image. Something that's really important over here is that we provide many opportunities for the user to subscribe to to buy the granola. You can see it right here on the hero image. We also provide an opportunity down here to join the e-club and get their first bag of granola for free. As you scroll down, we create credibility for the granola by providing testimonials and by providing a sales video that the owner of the company did herself. Now we get to the products and we can talk about how 89 percent of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor user experience. So what's very important in this e-commerce redesign is to create a user experience that people can purchase quickly, easily and which is a little bit different than over here on the on the wix side. So on the right side, you can clearly see the add to cart buttons. We create hierarchy by creating bolded text over regular text and we create images that are much more eye-catching and makes you really want to jump in and eat some of the granola. As you scroll down the website what we strive to do was create that branded image, because everybody looks at your website and makes an opinion about your company. So this design element in the background here... it helps with the branding of the High Vibe and it works hand-in-hand with the granola bags that are being used. We also have these image driven icons that really shout out what the benefits are of the granola. You can see that this is all things that will help the High Granola website sell more. And lastly we have ways to get to the blog so people can become educated and learn more about the food and eating healthy and we also are able to link in with the Instagram feed so people can stay up to date with what's going on in the company. So I just wanted to kind of show you both websites, the before and the after and walk you through a little bit of what goes into redesigning a website. So if you're interested in getting a free quote from us in regards to your website, feel free to go to our website   www.kulturekonnect.com and fill out the contact us page, and we'd be happy to get in contact with you. Thanks so much! Have a great day! Bye.

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