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Niki Pacheco
June 23, 2022

How does my target audience affects my website redesign?

Hand of business executive with point finger on top of target illustration. Icons of people are around target with arrows pointing towards target.

If you’re only thinking about design, content, and user experience in your company’s website redesign, chances are you’re missing something highly crucial to your website’s success—identifying your target audience. 

Knowing your website target audience and having specific target marketing strategies in place can help with a lot of things, such as strengthening your brand reputation, attracting customers, and setting your company apart from competitors.

Why It’s Important to Identify Your Target Audience:

By identifying your business’s specific target audience, it’s far easier to develop web content that answers all of their questions, solves all of their issues, and is best suited to their personal expectations of an online experience. So what does that mean for your company?

It means that if your website successfully utilizes customer persona during a website redesign, website visitors will be more motivated to choose your business’s products and services. They’ll feel like the website was designed with them in mind, which can guide them further along the customer journey. In fact, studies have shown that having target marketing strategies can make your company’s website 2-5 times more effective. That means more clients, more sales, and more success for your brand.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

How to determine your website audience: examine your current customer base, don't focus on the features, gather data (customer surveys, market trends, competitors, etc., segment your audience

How to Determine Your Website Audience:

Sure, it’s important to identify your website target audience, but how exactly do you go about doing it? 

  1. Examine your current customer base: Consider what’s worked previously to bring customers in by examining metrics, then find common characters among your client base. Then, find out what benefits interest your customers most.
  2. Don’t focus on the features: While important, they’re not the reason why customers need a product or service. Identifying the reason why customers need your company and addressing that in a website redesign is far better than just listing specs.
  3. It always helps to have more data available: Customer surveys and information provided by analytic tools can help develop a more precise persona than one generated by brainstorming alone. Doing research on market trends and competitor target audience can also assist in creating your own. Join online forums, such as Facebook or reddit, to find what actual people are saying about your industry, and see what’s important to them. Also, there are plenty of tools, such as Google Analytics or Ahrefs that can provide valuable demographic data to help narrow down your persona.
  4. Segment your audience: Examining your current customers, figuring out the why and doing some research based on analytics will help you build a better website persona, and even start breaking down your overall target audience into smaller segment audiences to get even more relevant in your targeted content.

But, knowing how to define a proposition that engages your visitors isn’t always easy.  Luckily, these 4 insightful tips can help you identify your company’s unique value proposition before redesigning your website, in order to ensure that your website is effectively communicating to visitors and offering a distinct advantage over the other options. 

Target Audience and Website Structure:

Your target audience shouldn’t only shape your website’s content—it should also shape your website’s structural features as well. A well-designed website can seamlessly emphasize the information that your customers want to see first and combine different website design elements together to more effectively appeal to your website target audience. 

There’s a lot of ways that target audience can impact web design, such as navigation, layout, content, images, and plenty more. 

A website that’s easy for a customer to navigate and discover the answers to their questions is a lot more effective than a website that is harder to access. The right design can grab attention with a picture, highlight the information most relevant to the target persona in a bold headline, and follow with accurate content that guides visitors closer to making a purchasing decision. 

If you’re an e-commerce website, consider features that will be useful to your target audience, such as easy checkout, suggested items to add to cart, or more methods of payment.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

Impact of Target Audience on Marketing and Brand Reputation:

If you’re providing content relevant to your customers that they actually want to see, your company’s brand reputation will undeniably improve. This is especially relevant in your marketing as well, as having tailored messaging will ensure that customers are only seeing things that interest them. By crafting content that offers value to your target persona and emotionally connects with your audience, boosted brand reputation is easy to achieve.


Knowing your company’s website target audience can help tailor targeted content directly suited to answer customer questions and address their unique pain points. During a website redesign, identifying buyer personas can help build a website that doesn’t just look good, but also is the right match for your customers.

Identifying target persona isn’t the only thing that’s important in a website redesign—having a strong SEO strategy can also make sure that the right people are viewing your content and building a better relationship with your brand! Learn how in next Thursday’s article!

11 Step Checklist to Make Your Website Your #1 Salesperson


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