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Jorge Pacheco
June 17, 2022

5 tips to identify your unique value proposition in a website redesign

A man holding a bulb in front of a laptop.

In any niche, in every industry, it’s essential to determine what sets your company apart from competitors. Aspects such as price, quality, accessibility, and plenty of other specs and qualifications, can be the deciding factor for a customer choosing between similar businesses and products. That’s why it’s essential to know what makes your company unique—also known as the unique value proposition, or UVP.

In simple terms, UVP is defined as a clear statement describing your business’s benefits, addressing your customers’ needs, and separating your services from competitors. 

Knowing your company’s unique value proposition can help differentiate your business from others in the industry, and make your products or services stand out to prospective customers.

Your company’s unique value proposition should always be extremely clear to customers. Especially on your website. After all, having your business’s unique value proposition shown clearly on your website can immediately highlight what makes your content relevant and worth purchasing.

If it’s not there yet, it needs to be. The importance of knowing UVP for writing content should not be discounted.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

But, knowing how to define a proposition that engages your visitors isn’t always easy.  Luckily, these 5 insightful tips can help you identify your company’s unique value proposition before redesigning your website, in order to ensure that your website is effectively communicating to visitors and offering a distinct advantage over the other options. 

5 tips to identify your UVP: Determine Advantages, Define Your Target Audience, Know Customer Struggles, Grab Attention, Accessibility is an advantage

1. Determine Advantages: 

Closely examine your company’s products and services and compare them with your competitors. What do you offer that your competitors don’t? Things like affordable pricing, enhanced customer service, or specialized features are all advantages that set your business apart.

2. Define Your Target Audience: 

Knowing what your target customers value in a product or service can help your business discover—or refine—your company's unique value proposition. An effective unique value proposition addresses the needs of customers and offers them a reason they actually value for selecting your business over another. 

3. Know Customer Struggles: 

The most effective UVPs help solve a struggle that a client is experiencing. After identifying potential customer pain points, examine what value your company offers to clients. A unique value proposition that clearly addresses customer problems can more effectively convince customers that your services are the solution to their specific issues. 

4. Grab Attention:

Make an unforgettable impact on potential customers by grabbing their interest. Research ways that appeal directly to your specific target audience, so that they are more motivated to choose your company. Use active, engaging words that make it extremely clear to visitors what your company can offer. The structure of your company’s unique value proposition can also grab attention, such as having a bold, easy-to-see headline or simple bullet points. 

And, be sure to keep that interest by offering your services and products at the perfect price point. Too high can scare off customers prioritizing affordability, while too low can unintentionally make your services seem low-quality. 

5. Accessibility is an Advantage: 

Having an easily accessible, well-structured website can help ensure that customers have no barriers in viewing your information and using your services or products. A clear, accessible website can also highlight your company's unique value proposition and better convince potential customers to partner with your brand over others.

Click here to learn how to make your website into your #1 salesperson. 

There are a lot of things that your customers want to know in the first 10 seconds of visiting a website, such as the products or services your company offers, the cost of choosing your company, and how your company is different from competitors, in  addition to countless other questions they might have about your business or services. Luckily, having a clear UVP can address a majority of these things and help your customers feel confident in selecting your business over others. 


Having a clear and concrete unique value proposition is undeniably important, and can help make your business–and your website redesign–infinitely more successful.  By following these 5 simple tips, you can easily identify the factors that make your brand distinct from the competition and use those advantages to better market to potential customers.

Don’t forget to read next week’s article on the importance of identifying your target audience for even more insight on how to improve your company’s success during a website redesign!


11 Step Checklist to Make Your Website Your #1 Salesperson


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