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Shruti Kapadia
March 22, 2018

A Quick Guide on How to Read Facebook Analytics

A hand holding a phone with a Facebook logo on it

There’s plenty of different Facebook metrics to grasp, especially when it comes to analyzing your monthly Facebook analytics. It can get overwhelming. Facebook metrics are by the millions and there is so much data that it can become impossible to measure and record everything into one small report. You’ll end up with a massive confusing report showing nothing but numbers. But don’t worry, we’ve come to your rescue. Today, I will explain how Facebook Insights works, how to read Facebook analytics and which metrics matter the most for your brand. 

Here are a few metrics that no matter what brand you are managing on social media you can measure for:

1] New Page Likes

A page like occurs when a Facebook user clicks the "like" button to your business profile. This will allow them to view all of your updates.

The number of new users who liked your page is an important piece of data. It is necessary to keep a tab of the fans you had last month and compare where you are at with your fans right now. 

Sales graph

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2] Page Unlikes

The unfortunate part of page likes is that it also comes with people unliking your page as well. Believe it or not, page unlikes is another audience analytic that is actually helpful. If your page receives more unlikes than new page likes, it means your fans don’t really want to see your posts on their timeline or you’re posting too often or they just don’t enjoy the content of your posts. Either way, this is another piece of data you will want to keep a track of and maybe reevaluate what content you push out.

Facebook liked messages icon

3] Average Weekly Total Reach vs. Average Weekly Organic Reach

Reach is by far the most popular tool, which is common amongst all social media platforms. The Reach metric is important for social media marketers to understand the number of audience your posts are reaching out to. Organically, your Facebook posts will only reach a decent percent of your total audience, but with paid ads you will be able to reach a wider audience. Hence, if you do paid ads a couple of times a month, then comparing your organic reach vs. your total reach is very important.

Total reached graph

4] Average Weekly Engagement

Engagement is a MMM (MUST MEASURE METRIC). This gives you an idea about the average engagement you receive on your posts. It helps in differentiating between what kind of content you’re putting out there and which of it was liked and received well by your fans. This metric will definitely help you in creating new alike content for your page.

 Performance graph on Facebook

5] Video Views

Let’s be totally honest here… videos are the bread and butter of social media. It is such a popular content discovery that Facebook had to design a complete Video metric insight. And if you’re a brand who solely rely on engagement from videos, then Facebook video metrics is a tool you would want to keep track of. Compare your total video views and the numbers of videos you shared in the month to last month to give you an idea of what kind of content your audience liked and what was popular. Another important data to really look at is the 100% videos views. This will tell you if your audience stayed long enough to watch your entire video or did they just skip through it in seconds.

performance metrics

These are just some of the metrics we use for our clients, which metrics will you be using for your brand? Let us know in the comments below.

Your social media marketing is a lot more work than you might think. Leave it to the professionals and contact us today (951) 479-5411.

Create a detailed social media report highlighting the most important metrics you should focus on. Download here

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