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Shruti Kapadia
January 11, 2018

6 Signs You Need a Social Media Firm in 2018

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It’s a new year! Which means its time to re-vamp your old social media practices. It's safe to say that social media is not just a form of marketing but has become a lifestyle for many. And if the average man spends a great deal of time on any of these platforms, brands are bound to board on this express train too.

But the real question here is should you just do your own social media? Or hire a company to do it for your brand? This question has always raised confusion amongst all businesses.

We will gladly simplify this for you! Your business needs a social media firm and here’s why:

1] Time

Let us be honest here and tell you that social media demands consistency. Creating content, posting, sharing, engaging is no minutes job, it involves a dedicated amount of your time everyday. A social media firm gives a dedicated amount of time to your brand and consistently delivers the right content to your platform.

 Sign up for a free social media audit. Learn more here!

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2] Engagement

If you have barely any comments, almost no shares and no likes or maybe they are in single digits, it’s time to get a social media company for a boost.

Your fans are connecting with you because they want to stay updated and also see new stuff that may be exclusive to social media followers. Engaging with your audience is doing justice to your social media. But engagement comes with a price, it is time consuming and you may or may not know how to handle negative reviews, messages or comments, which can make things challenging. A social media firm comes into play with their customer service skills and digital marketing knowledge. A firm can best advise you on what’s right for your business.

3] Perspective

It’s always best to have a glance of your brand from an outsiders point of view. Your brand is your baby, the way you see it, you will always try to strive for perfection. There’s always room for improvement and in the social media world it is best to start soon. Sometimes a third person’s perspective may bring new facts and improvisations to the table. And that is worth getting on.

4] Keep Track

How would you know if your social media efforts are working? That’s when the expertise of a social media agency comes into play. Just like how a balance sheet helps a firm track profit and loss, a social media report helps you measure the return on your social media investments. Keeping a track of your custom audience, using and monitoring your Google Analytics, using Facebook Pixels, etc. are a few examples of ways to track.

5] Imagery

There’s more that goes into creating a social media plan than meets the eye. When it comes to posting, images are as important as text. Whether your brand or product needs images, videos creative layout of texts or any other form of communication is best suggested by a social media firm. For example, videos have accounted for more engagement overall in the social media world. So, if your company does not have the resources to create engaging videos for your social media audience then a social media firm is able to come to your rescue.

6] Advertising

Just like tv, radio or printed ads need an agency expert, a director and all of the necessary people and tools is required to run a successful campaign. Social media advertising also expects the same level of creativity. A social media firm creates thump-stopping content at the drop of a hat. This the kind of expertise that your ads need.

There are plenty of reasons as to why you need to hire a social media firm. A social media firm will also help you out with understanding complex platforms, crisis management, influencer marketing and create a plan that best suits your business and the kind of audience you are trying to attract.

Kulture Konnect can definitely help you out with this. We will create a plan specifically for your brand and let you know what's right for your business.

We can also offer you a free social media audit. Click below to learn more.

Contact us at (951) 479-5411 or email us at info@kulturekonnect.com.

 Sign up for a free social media audit. Learn more here!

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