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January 26, 2017

Tips For Creating Engaging Social Media Graphics to Promote Your Brand

Social media graphics such as GIFs, static images and even flow hyper lapse video (also known as time-lapse videos) are meant to grab your audience's attention in a second, and let them go in a minute. My first suggestion when creating any social media graphic is go simple, yet powerful and memorable. We talk more about this in my video. Consistency is also important. If you are always thinking of your consumers, they will always be thinking of you. Social media is a great platform to reach a wide audience. It also allows you to provide information to close followers, clients, and customers. It is a great tool to get your company culture “out there" and it’s interactive. Social media graphics are an important part of building your business on social media since it attracts attention and helps with:

  • Brand awareness

  • Brand promotion

  • Brand recognition 

Watch my video above as I go through tips and examples of what makes an excellent shareable social media graphic to promote your brand.

If you'd like a copy of Deanna's social media graphic examples shown in the video download here:

<<Download Deanna's examples from the video of engaging social media graphics here 

Tips When Creating Your Social Media Graphic

1.) What to use:

  • The company's branding guidlines should be sought out first for inspiration, then see how far you can take it, so that it still reflects the company’s image while staying fresh and innovative.
  • Use a simple message. Keep it concise and informative.

2.) What to stay away from:

  • If you don’t have the copyright to publish, then don’t. That could be a very costly mistake.
  • Colors that compete for attention rather than compliment each other.
  • Too much information (lengthy copy).

Try to place yourself in the reader’s/viewer’s positon. It’s always a good idea to let fresh eyes look at your work before publishing as well.

<<Amplify Your Brand with our 24 FREE Ready-to-Use Facebook Covers here

Why You Should Use Visual Graphics on Social Media to Promote Your Brand

  • Facebook posts with images generate 2.3 times more engagement than those without images.
  • According to marketing studies, HubSpot explains people are likely to only remember 10 percent of information three days later. If you use a relevant image that includes the same information, people retain 65 percent of that information three days later.
  • Google shares that 85 percent of adults consume content on multiple devices at the same time.
  • It was found that tweets with images received 150 percent more retweets than tweets without images.
  • Internet readers pay close attention to images with information (NN Group).
  • Readers spend more time looking at relevant images than reading text on a page.



In conclusion, stay true to your brand, be yourself, keep your social media graphics helpful and informative. If you are having trouble consistently publishing and you are still not achieving your target goals, it might be more profitable to look into outsourcing. 

Are you seeking a professional to design your social media content? Or manage your social media accounts?

Please contact us here: http://www.kulturekonnect.com/contacts/

Get a glimpse of our work here: Kulture Konnect Portfolio

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