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August 16, 2016

Top 3 Wordpress Plugins for Your Website Optimization

website optimization

Many of us do not bother to optimize our websites, but that’s the key ingredient for a better user experience. A better user experience means more leads to your website and more leads to your website means more income. New  trends occur every year.  Our thanks to some genius people who created a content management system called WordPress. This platform is a gift from heaven for small to medium businesses who cannot afford a large customized website. 

Returning to the topic of website optimization, this content management system has a number of WordPress plugins that can be used to optimize a website.  Here is a list of my 3 favorite plugins to get the most out of WordPress. 

  1. YOAST SEO – The number one purpose of this plugin is for Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Good page ranking can be achieved by creating targeted meta titles and tags. Yoast gives you  options so  you can customize all the titles of the pages. The great thing about this plugin is that its  user friendly and works pretty well for an off the shelf solution. Try this plugin and see the difference for yourself

    Yoast wordpress

  2. TinyPNG – An optimized website will  have optimized images that  increase site speed. This plugin allows you to optimize all your images you have on your media.  It comes with all the sizes that WordPress offers, as well as features like customizable width and height. And more. Explore the many features! 

    TinyPNG website image

    >> Download your FREE checklist today for your next website redesign!

    3.Wp Super Cache – Good website speed is one major factor for a successful website. No one likes to wait 10 seconds or so while a page is loading.  This plugin will decrease your bounce rate.  It creates a cache of the entire website, loading it all the first time you visit the site. After several visits, you will see that the web page loads automatically, almost as if it is saved on your machine. In actuality, it is being saved from the server, but because of the cache, the whole server will not have to request resources every single time, making the process a lot faster.

    wp super cache settings image


Use these plugins as tools to help you achieve success. Install the plugins on your website; check tutorials on how to use them properly; watch the difference. It's that easy. There you have it folks!

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