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Steve Averill
April 23, 2015

Top Three Orange County Advertising Agencies Websites

flowers by the sea

Just because you’re an advertising agency doesn’t mean you automatically know how to toot your own horn.  In fact, we would argue that the best ones toot the least.  Because they’re so passionate about their clients, they neglect their own brand and simply point to the work.  We like that.  But we also appreciate originality, simplicity and knowing who you are.  With that in mind let’s take a look at what we think are the three Orange County Advertising Agencies that nailed it with their website presence.

>> Is your market and competitors leaving your brand in the dust? Download our Guide to 101 Reasons to Rebrand.

Here they are, in no particular order:

 1. DGWB aka. Amusement Park.  With a flag flying in Downtown Santa Ana, DGWB knows how to make its mark at the right place at the right time.  Their website is highlighted by a five page slider that just shouts FUN. It’s big and colorful and friendly. It humanizes the shop and makes you want to work with them. The design is clean and modern and easy to navigate.  We particularly like the “work” page with its block imagery.  Again, it’s just more fun and their creativity leaps off the site.  If you showed your friends their website and said we work with these guys, they’d say, “Yeah, I get it.”

 2. Young Company.  Like DGWB, Young Company has also succumbed to the seemingly mandatory need for a slider on every website. But they play with it nicely in black and white with spot color and great images.  We like how they highlight their services in six categories at the bottom but the twitter feed on the right side feels a bit dated.  We love the “About” page especially the Thomas Edison images and quote: “Hell there are no rules – we’re trying to accomplish something.” The “Employment” page also stands out for its “Lunch and Learn” sessions mention and cool pix.  Who wouldn’t want to work there?

>> Looking for a reason to rebrand your business? Here are 101 Reasons to Rebrand your business!

 3. Johnson Gray. OK let’s just get this out of the way. Half of their site is in flash.  FLASH! Now that’s running against the grain.  What advertising agency still uses a flash site? The one who has a soccer player in a Viking helmet emerging out of the ocean.  Johnson Gray distances itself from its boring name by simply going for it in a big-themed way.  We love that.  We love bold and daring and different. And anyone who knows advertising today knows that’s what’s needed to get noticed. The other half of their site is smartly set up as a blog that highlights a lot of their commercial work.  It’s a nice combination of brash and businesslike.  Johnson Gray knows how to walk the line.

So there you have it – our take on the top three Orange County advertising agency websites.  If you would like help designing your site or want to discuss taking your brand and marketing to the next level feel free to give us a call at (951) 479-5411.

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