Cutting-Edge Marketing to Grow Your Business.
We have all heard online or from marketers and web designers and developers fancy terms such as Web 2.0 or Web 3.0. We're not done trying to understand and digest one when a new one comes up in our face. As overwhelming as it might look, the everchanging Internet technology can be an advantage to any and every business if understood and used correctly. Let's start by briefly explaining what each of these terms stand for.
Many businesses started to implement Web 2.0 internally as a means to connect their employees and share information domestically. Software's such as Oracle have done a great job with this kind of technology. However, the main challenge was to reach out to the main consumer outside the actual organization. The key was to engage with the business, create and collaborate in social environments. Having a blog is not enough, consumers need to get involved, they must be invited to participate. Online communities can be a powerful, faster and cheaper way to obtain consumer feedback than actual focus groups or surveys. An online community is not necessarily about the business, but about the consumer, which is what makes it even more powerful.
This technology is all about mobility and the voice interaction between user and machine. Before, the user had to be at a desk in front of a computer to interact with the Internet, but mobile devices allow the user the continuous addition, sharing and distribution of information to the cyberspace. This is also known as the "Symbiotic Web" where what's relevant is the user's activity, not just the data and where the results are based on who the users are, what they do and what they need.
Check out this video:
So, as web technologies evolve, so has business models. Many businesses are still stuck in the 90s or early 2000s in terms of their online strategies and even simple marketing tools such as their websites look like they were created with a word processor program. There is no online constituency engagement.
Those businesses that have been successful with their online marketing have been open to experimentation with these new technologies. They have been willing to learn from their mistakes and successes as they go. After all, marketing is not an exact science.
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