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Steve Averill
March 17, 2015

Five Social Media Tips for Your Restaurant Marketing

man with a tray that has Facebook twitter and google plus icon

When you look at the trend of social media use you see an all too familiar pattern: the rising peak of excitement and the dip into actual work. Pull yourself out of that dip by committing to these five principles and watch your social media efforts boost your bottom line.

1. Have fun.

If you’re not having fun then who is? Don’t commit the cardinal sin of being boring online. No one will spend a second online with content that puts them to sleep. People online are searching for something to stimulate them. So get them excited and talking and sharing your content with their friends. This should not be news to you but it might be. Every business is in the media business today so entertain us first and then you can sell to us later. 

2. Take pictures.

Pictures work better than prose. It’s simply a fact. And it’s really just a baby step because video is exploding. You just can’t type up your offerings any more. You have to package them and present them with a story. And the best way to tell that story is with pictures. Just think about Facebook. Now think about what you’ve shared on Facebook. Now add food to that. Nothing gets shared more online than pictures of food. Writing is pleading. Pictures are proof.

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3. Make social a customer service tool.

Don’t just sell on social media use it to solve problems for your customers. Encourage them to give you feedback and respond in a timely manner. Make your brand stand for something more than food. Service them online and you’ll get them offline.

4. Be a person.

Don’t act like a company. Have a personality and make fun of yourself. Be the person you would want to meet at the restaurant. Be your customer. Be someone who just loves what they do and want to share it with the world. Have a human touch. We’re all wired to feel it.

5. Dominate one channel.

This is the one piece of advice that gets overlooked more than any other. The natural inclination is to set up on all every channel and see what works rather than choosing one to excel at. Fight against the urge to hedge your bet and take a stand. If you dominate one channel you may be able to master two.

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