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Niki Pacheco
October 20, 2015

20 Myths About Affordable Web Design

a woman with a crystal ball 

1. Graphic designer is another name for a web designer.

Some graphic designers know web design and vice versa, however there is a difference between creating graphics and knowing how to optimally display those graphics on a web page.

2. Web developer is another name for a web designer.

If a website is building, the developer builds and the designer furnishes.

3. You should use a free site for your company to save money.

The biggest downfall is the lack of customization. This makes it difficult to design a website that fits your brand.

4. An engaging website features a lot of animation.  

Too much filler can cause confusion and take away from the inbound marketing material that you want your viewer to be paying attention to.

 5. You don’t need to take the time to create a mobile site.

In other words “I want to create a website that will only allow half the people who search for it to be able to view it”.

6. Aesthetics are the most important part of web design.

Visual display is an important engager, however, generating easily digestible content and ease of use are equally as important.

7. More widgets make for a better website.

Widgets are great to direct people to social media and online fundraising campaigns. Don’t waste this opportunity by sending them to sites that are rarely updated or have outdated information.

8. Finish your site before you start worrying about SEO.

Don't wait unless you like wasting time and money.

 9. Internal links don’t matter for SEO.

False. They provide additional information about web pages that might help the user. 

 10. Using a service that promises to register your website can improve your ratings.

SEO is about providing useful information to boost your ranking. These services promise higher rankings, but it doesn't work because that’s not how SEO works. 

 11. SEO is about rankings not conversion.

You optimize so people know you exist so they can use your services. That is conversion. Being top-ranked just makes it easier for people to find you.

 12. SEO should be created and managed by IT.

You don’t want someone designing one of your brand’s biggest assets if they aren’t familiar with your marketing strategy.

>>Learn How to Streamline Your Next Website Redesign With this FREE 11-Step Checklist!

13. You need to use a minimum of 40 tags per blog post to help increase your rankings.

Due to updates in search engine algorithms, excessive tagging shoots your posts down instead of up. 

 14. Affordable web design is cheap web design.

No. Cheap web design is where a fly-by-night programmer pulls together content and images to fill visual space without much more thought to it. Affordable web design is when your brand is taken into consideration and the development of your website revolves entirely around meeting specific goals. 

 15. Your website has to have responsive technology otherwise you will lose customers.

You will lose mobile users if they can’t access or navigate your site on their mobile device, but a user doesn’t know if your site is responsive or separately tailored for mobile use. Responsive web design is not your only solution. 

 16. Affordable web design will be too generic

This is False.  Yes, it is cheaper to do a template site where all you do is change out the colors and slap on a logo, but you can get a very personalized site if you are working with the right web design company. When shopping around, be sure to ask how they go about creating a personalized website whether from scratch or from a template.

 17. Affordable web design will not be effective for my business.

Sometimes when we think of web design, we think it needs to cost tens of thousands of dollars to actually work. The reality is that the web design company you choose really needs to take into consideration what your goals are and provide a fair price that converts into value for your company.

 18. Responsive design will always work on every browser.  

It won’t (think internet explorer) but that’s okay, those users will have to upgrade eventually. 

 19. When working with an affordable web design company, most likely a "real programmer" will NOT be working on my website.

False again! The only way to build a valuable website is with a designer, programmer and developer.

 20. Price should be your only priority when choosing a company to help make your dream website a reality.

Just like any product or service, there are so many aspects that come into making a decision about who to go with. Price is important but also be sure to consider availability, business structure, turn-around time and communication skills.

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