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Jorge Pacheco
January 10, 2019

4 Restaurant Marketing Tips That Only Cost Time

A man putting a coin on a piggy bank

Restaurateurs are always looking for ways to keep their operations and marketing costs down. In this article, we will give you five tips that only cost time to help you get a better return on your restaurant marketing without a big investment.

1. Social Media
The easiest and most obvious way to get your restaurant brand out to the world for free is through your social media platforms. Since these are free (unless you are paying for ads) you can leverage the power of social media to promote your restaurant and your menu. One of the biggest benefits of social media is the referrals you get to your website. So, the more active and engaging you are on social media, the better you’re able to make an impact on your guests behavior patterns.

2. Host a Live Videos
This would be the equivalent of a webinar in the corporate world. Live videos are a great way to engage your audience while introducing your restaurant and your menu to a broader audience. You can create videos around major holidays, like Mardi Gras, Easter, 4th of July and so on. Let people watch you do it and ask questions. Live videos like these ones take some time and pre-planning, so brainstorm topics with your chef and staff. Then, be sure and spread the word through your website, email marketing and social media.

Maximize your restaurant marketing efforts and reduce costs by downloading this e-book, 

10 Things to Cut From Your Restaurant Marketing today!

10 things to cut from your restaurant marketing

3. Be Part of Your Community
Your customers come from your community. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce and find some groups to join that might benefit you and your restaurant. Consider having a booth at local festivals or non-profit events. Mingle around town and implement a cookie-drop strategy to introduce yourself to local business owners.

4.  Email Marketing
Many would tell you that email is dead, that the market is oversaturated, but the truth is that it is far from dead… Instead, it is evolving. According to Forbes, "the myth is that people hate being marketed to via email. In all actuality research supports that people read most of their emails and do not mind frequent emails as long as they are relevant interesting and specific to their needs.” 

Email, like social media, is a great, free way to engage with your guests on a regular basis. If you don’t currently have an email list, start building one now:

  • Put sign up forms on your website and on your social media pages
  • Have customers sign up for your emails in your restaurant.

Then, be sure and send emails on a regular basis.

Final Thoughts

Implementing initiatives like the ones discussed here is a unique way to jump start your marketing strategy. Remember that, while you might not be paying money for some of these things, your are “paying” with your time. So, schedule time to create a plan as you would any marketing campaign and schedule some time each week to take care of these no-cost strategies so you can manage your time wisely.

At Kulture Konnect you can count on us to give you the support you need to help you create brand awareness and drive business to your restaurants. Ready to take your brand to the next level? Get your free consultation today

Maximize your restaurant marketing efforts and reduce costs by downloading this e-book, 

10 Things to Cut From Your Restaurant Marketing today!

10 things to cut from your restaurant marketing

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