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September 06, 2018

Improve Marketing Results With This Free Social Media Metric Toolkit

Social media tool kit

With social media being utilized as a marketing tool to build and grow brands, engage with consumers and reach a specific target audience, you want to be able to measure and review your monthly analytics effectively. Each platform whether it might be Facebook, Instagram or Twitter includes an analytics page designed to help you understand the behavior of your fans and consumers.  Depending upon the results from your analytics page, you should be able to glean from your data in order to make better marketing decisions. The problem is with an overwhelming amount of social media analytic data to process, it is fairly easy to leave out the most vital metrics and determine which metrics really matter. We can help.

We designed a Social Media Reporting Toolkit for business owners and professionals that will help you focus on the most important metrics and setting the right goals. In result, proving ROI. 

Download your free

Social Media Reporting Toolkit Here 

Kulture Konnect's Social Media Reporting Toolkit Features

Here's a breakdown of what you will receive:

This toolkit includes an e-book and ready-to-use social media analytic template:

  • Social Media Reporting 101 E-Book  

    Includes a 9-page cheatsheet that explains in-depth tactics on how to successfully execute your monthly reports and more.
    • How to Measure
    • 4 most important metrics
    • What to include in your social media analytic report

Index image

  • Social Media Reporting Template 

    Includes an easy-to-use 18-page PowerPoint template for your:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • And Twitter analytics

Click here to download.

Results of milestone

If you are seeking professionals to manage your social media, contact us here for more information. Receive a free quote here.

Visit our social media portfolio to get a glimpse of our work here

You are a click away from getting your hands on this ready-to-use

Social Media Reporting Toolkit!

Download Today!

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