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January 01, 2019

6 of the Best Restaurant Blogs For Your Restaurant Marketing

Title blog for a restaurantYelp has always been known to be one of the top review sites for restaurants. The site offers reviews, tips and photos to give potential customers a glimpse of each restaurant from a customer's point of view. Yelp has over 140 million people visiting the site each month, making it one of the strongest crowd-sourced review sites. 

Today, other restaurant review sites have received almost just as much attention. People are no longer relying only on Yelp, but taking their curiosity to other restaurant/food-related blogs that have taken off over the last several years. These blogs offer an inside look from a blogger's point of view. They have found creative ways to share their experience with food lovers, including video clips of each blogger's experience and more, giving you a real-life look.

These popular food blogs offer more than a good review. They are the perfect platform to market your restaurant. There are several advantages! Being featured on the best food blogs will be a major help to your restaurant marketing. It will also create buzz around your diner or eatery and most importantly, give you a sales boost. We have highlighted 6 of the hottest food blog sites that will no doubt help your restaurant gain exposure.

Food Beast

Sample of a sponsor ad FOODBEAST

Food Beast is a food and drink news resource and features a fun section called shows, where its team visits and captures each experience on video, turning it into a mini episode at local eateries and bars. Its social media pages are living proof of its popularity with over 563K Instagram followers and a YouTube channel with over 131K subscribers. Contact Food Beast here for questions and advertising inquiries.

>>Learn 10 simple ways to save money on your restaurant marketing. Download this e-book here!

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Featured food on a blog Thrillist

Thrillist is another popular blog covering food, drinks and travel. The site offers a restaurant and bar near me button at the top right hand corner for its app users or site visitors. This blog features ice creameries, coffee shops, pastry shops, bars and restaurants throughout the United States, giving a fair shot at a variety of different cuisines. With a social following of over 322K on Instagram and over 1,000 likes per photo, you are bound to get the exposure you need with Thrillist. You can contact them with just about any question here or advertising inquiries here.


Sample promo blog for a restaurant Eater

From restaurant rated reviews to offering a yearly or seasonal guide of the best restaurants to visit, Eater offers an inside look with videos of its most favorite menu dishes in cities across the U.S. Like many of the other popular food blogs, Eater is a foodie favorite among social media users with close to 470K YouTube subscribers and 856K Instagram followers. Eater is a part of Vox Media. Contact Eater here for advertising questions.

Serious Eats

sample of food blogs to be featured on a website

If your restaurant is based in New York City, Serious Eats offers some serious NYC restaurant reviews. It also reviews restaurants in other large cities on occasion. The blog features restaurants with the best dessert deals to the best Turkish food in NYC and more. Peek through its Facebook and Instagram accounts to get a look at its large fan base and engagement. To contact Serious Eats, run by Fexy Media, for advertising click here. 

Food Gawker

Foodgawker blog posts

Food Gawker adds its own twist to the food blogging world. It publishes the most appealing and highest quality photos from food bloggers who send them images directly. The site showcases food, drinks and more. As shown above, each image features options to share the post on social media, allows you to view how many people viewed your post, and provides a permalink to view your post or gallery. If you blog for your restaurant and would like to contribute to Food Gawker, click here.

First We Feast

Different menu in a plate in different States

First We Feast gives you a taste of diners from Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City and around the U.S., offering suggestions from craft beer, dive bars, chain restaurants, hidden restaurants that most of us might not know about, and even strip mall diners. For advertising, contact First We Feast, which is run by Complex here.

Did we miss a dining blog? Share one or more in the comments below!

 Need professional assistance with your restaurant marketing? Is marketing your restaurant proving to be a challenge? Contact us and we can discuss an improved strategy here.

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