Cutting-Edge Marketing to Grow Your Business.
The very moment I'm in the process of brainstorming a new blog post I aim for relevance, level of interest, personal experience and what our target audience is looking for. Always analyze your ideas from all angles! What topics are going to generate views yet, empower the reader? It hasn't always come naturally! In fact, in the midst of strategizing each post I've came upon several moments where I debated whether anyone would remotely read what I had to say. I constantly questioned if blogging was a complete utter waste of time.
When you take on the chore to blog for your business you're not simply writing about anything. You are giving the public a reason to visit your website. You must deliver insight, awareness and knowledge on a subject relevant to your reader that's beneficial to their needs. Keyword, BENEFIT. But, is blogging only about the reader? What about you? How is writing about different topics even benefiting your business? Well, listen up.
I can honestly share with you that blogging perpetually works. After several months of contributing our efforts I noticed our views began to increase. Comparing our daily metrics became an obsession. What can I say? It's exciting to recognize our progress and acknowledge the fact it pays off. Allow me to just point out, we only experienced a decline in views when we stopped posting consistently. Just take a look at our numbers below along with the statistics to prove its worth! Here are the benefits of blogging and 3 simple reasons why blogging works.
Now, onto reviewing our numbers. This photo supports our results in website traffic. Between June of 2014 to September 2016 our visits have fluctuated. Why? In the periods we experienced a decline are also the periods we weren't posting regularly. Catch my drift?Looking at the photo shown below, lets take a closer look at September of 2016. Comparing from exactly a year ago our blogging performance has increased by a whooping 368%!
I can understand that not everyone has the perfect level of writing skills or lacks the amount of time to dedicate to a blog page, however, there are many resources to help you along the way! You can come up with a million different excuses why blogging just isn't for you, but these numbers don't lie! These are perfectly great reasons to start a blog. You're just several posts away of gaining your next lead, which is where it all boils down to. Would you rather ignore this opportunity? Or act upon it? Your call, folks.
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