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Jorge Pacheco
October 16, 2019

Get up to $5k for making your website ADA compliant


Hi, my name is Jorge Pacheco, with Kulture Konnect Branding and Digital Marketing. Today we want to take about one of the best incentives to make your website ADA compliant… and that is, drum roll please: a Federal Tax Credit.

By working with a qualified A.D.A website expert, and if you fall under certain criteria, you may qualify!  The tax credit is available to businesses that have total revenues of $1,000,000 or less in the previous tax year or 30 or fewer full-time employees. 

This credit can give you a maximum credit of $5000 and it can be used to offset the cost of remediation to improve accessibility. You can find a direct link yo the IRS in the comments, but we strongly suggest you to ask you tax advisor if you are eligible, he can help you make an educated decision. 

Finally, and as always, the first step to get your website on the way to compliance is to check whether it is accessible… you can do this by going to ADA.KultureKonnect.com for a free assessment.

<<Get a FREE home page scan and find out if your website is ADA compliant!>>


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