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November 22, 2016

Great Design Comes From Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving Message From KK

happy thanksgiving meal

At Kulture Konnect we wanted to take some time out of our busy work week from creating great design to reflect on the meaning of Thanksgiving and express our gratitude to those around us. We are reminded each year that giving thanks is one of the most fulfilling ways to give back to others. As a close-knit team, we strongly value and acknowledge each and everyone's efforts as it encourages us to take a further step to be more effective and make our workday more enjoyable. We wanted to share with all of you that Thanksgiving isn't only found on our dinner tables with our families and friends, but  also it is found at the office. With that said, I pleasantly present you a  meaningful Happy Thanksgiving message from our team.

Kulture Konnect's

CEO & Founders

Share Their Gratitude

 Jorge Pacheco holding a give thanks


I’m thankful for our clients because they value what we do and understand the significance of design, marketing and social media. I am also thankful for our staff because without them we wouldn’t be able to do what we do as a company. They are quite frankly Kulture Konnect’s backbone. Most importantly, I am thankful for Niki. She is the glue that keeps us all together!

- Jorge Pacheco (Founder-CEO)

 Niki Pacheco holding a give thanks

I am so grateful for my family who gives meaning and purpose to my day-to-day grind.  I am thankful for the opportunity to work with my husband, Jorge, all while building a company that can provide for our family and provide jobs to so many others. The team we have built here at Kulture Konnect makes me so happy! I am so proud of all of them and how each day they grow as wonderful individuals. I am so grateful to each of them for their hard work and dedication to the Kulture Konnect clients. And that leads me to the heart of the company… our clients. I am so grateful to our clients and all of the awesome projects they entrust to us here at Kulture Konnect. Without them, all of our paths would be very different! Happy Thanksgiving!

- Niki Pacheco (Founder-CEO)

Our Team Never Falls Short of

Giving Thanks


Kent image holding give thanks

I am thankful for the Pachecos for giving me a chance to progress in life! I've honestly learned so much from this job. I will forever cherish this time in my life as my very first real step towards the future! Happy Thanksgiving from the Philippines!

- Kenneth (Web Designer)

 Shruti holding a give thanks

I am thankful to Kulture Konnect for giving me an opportunity with my first overseas job.  It’s been a wonderful time. I am also thankful for all the cool stuff that we have around the office and the fun that we have! Whether it’s having a pizza party or shooting fun videos, which end up having more bloopers than actual videos! Lol! Happy Thanksgiving!

- Shruti (Social Media Coordinator)

 Marisa holding a give thanks

This year I'm grateful to the fact that Kulture Konnect hired me! I'm thankful for  Kulture Konnect  being my first employer and giving me the opportunity to grow as a designer and as a person in the workforce. I'm also extremely thankful for my family for always being there for me and supporting me through everything I have ever wanted to do! Happy Thanksgiving!

- Marisa (Graphic Designer)


Marco give thanks

I am really thankful for the trust and patience from Jorge and Niki as they have been amazing from the start till now. This is the first time that somebody appreciates my efforts and it's a great feeling!  I am glad to know you guys and the Kulture Konnect family is  amazing! I look forward to the day we can share pizza together on the same table. I look forward to sharing stories and bonding. Thanks guys for the love and support you possess to Kents and I! Happy Thanksgiving!

- Marco (Web Designer)

 Silvia holding give thanks

I have many things to be grateful for, even if at times they might seem small. It's times like these where I realize I'm in a place in my life where I finally have something that I have been striving for. I am extremely grateful for Niki and Jorge believing in me and giving me the opportunity to be apart of this industry and  their studio. I thank them for taking the time to teach me things I've never been exposed to before. Because let's face it! Not everyone gets as lucky by emailing a random marketing firm and landing an internship, which turned into a job! I am also very grateful for the small circle of family I hold onto dearly and being given the chance to finish college, even with the challenges I've faced these past years. Happy Thanksgiving!

- Silvia (Marketing Coordinator)

 We wish each and every one of you a

Happy Thanksgiving! How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio

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