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Marisa Soliz
November 29, 2016

Innovative Design: Stay on Top of Current Trends

two hands holding a tablet with business analytics

Believe it or not, design trends play a huge role in how a business goes about marketing and advertising to reach clients. Take a second to think about how companies advertise. For instance, when you assess companies such as Apple, what comes to mind? Is it safe to say the majority think of the iPhone? Or how about their silhouette commercials? Have you taken notice of their sleek commercials? Let's take a look at another example of a fun advertisement. What about the Kia Soul commercials with their use of cute hamsters as a tactic to lure consumers?

What I am trying to point out is advertisement and design are everywhere you go.  When companies come up with a new project the process does not end by creating it.  

You have to consider how to visually communicate what you just created and how to get your audience to love it.

Pay close attention and stay on top of current trends. While trends change, the way we approach innovative design evolves as well. As an example, Kulture Konnect went from designing for print, which includes (posters, billboards, and newspapers, etc.) to designing for mobile devices for the internet ever since digital has taken over.

How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio

Today, designing in the 21st century has become more influential than ever before!

Take a look at how designed images make a difference in social media. According to Twitter's statistics, tweets with images generate the following:

  • 18% more clicks

  • 89% more favorites

  • 50% more retweets

Now, from a graphic designer's perspective, I am actually impressed with these numbers!

According to Forbes, an estimated 543,000 new businesses open their doors each month. One way to get noticed and attain your relevance is to produce memorable advertising designs. And, of course, let's not forget to keep your clients happy so they do not venture off to other companies.

Standout from the Crowd

Pro Tip - A great way to stand out when it comes to design:

  • Use flat design

  • Include popular image colors

  • Incorporate large bold or custom text

Colors and text can work hand in hand because both can be based off the theme to enhance the concept. This allows you to express your company's  design and personalities through the work being created.

In closing, trends are key essential in design, It's not something to overlook since it's just as important when it comes to design. It can be the tipping point that allows clients to choose your company over your competitors. People know a great ad when they see it so, be sure to pay close attention to how to create your ad and how to communicate it to your audience using up-to-date trends.

How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio

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