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December 12, 2017

KK Celebrates 12 Years of Innovative Design & Marketing Services

Kulture Konnect Celebrates 12 Years of Innovative Design & Marketing ServicesAn idea became reality the day before ringing in 2006. On December 31, 2005, Kulture Konnect founder, Niki Pacheco, brought her college senior project to life, starting a marketing and design service with co-founder Jorge Pacheco. The two started their services from their home office, which later transformed into a studio. Twelve years later, we are proud to say we've made it past the 10-year mark.

Our studio has come a long way since 2005. As we celebrate over 10 years of business, our team created an infographic highlighting our progress and how much we've evolved over the last 12 years of providing innovative design and marketing services! Click here to view infographic.

With that said, we wanted to also take this opportunity to take a trip down memory lane and celebrate the history of Kulture Konnect. Scroll below!


Fun Facts About Kulture Konnect

  • Niki worked for Real Mex Restaurants as a freelance graphic designer. She then quit and offered Real Mex her design services, making them Kulture Konnect's first client.
  • Jorge and Niki Pacheco met at the Art Institute of Orange County. Both graduated and today they are happily married.
  • Jorge and Niki were the only two working at the Kulture Konnect office until 2012.
  • Jorge worked at the Orange County Register in 2009 as a graphic designer.
  • Jorge has teaching under his belt and has been a professor at universities such as Cal Poly Pomona, Chapman and is currently a professor at California State University, Fullerton.

The meaning behind the name Kulture Konnect

The name Kulture Konnect has two meanings. Both Jorge and Niki come from two different cultures and when they started the company they felt they wanted the new company name to commemorate this connection. But on a deeper level, here at Kulture Konnect, we strive to get to know the company culture of all of our clients. We eat with them, play with them, really get to know them in any way we can. In turn, we also get to know who their customers are and this helps us provide on-target marketing solutions for them. We are connecting our clients’ cultures with their customers. Now, we wish there was some clever reason why we used ‘k’s instead of ‘c’s… but the reality of it is that the URL with ‘c’s had already been taken!

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How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio


kulture-konnect-celebrates-12-years-of-innovative-design-and-marketing-services.jpgDECEMBER 2005

  • On December 31, 2005 a marketing and design firm is born! Kulture Konnect begins doing business from Niki and Jorge's small home office in Newport Beach, California.


  • As clientele grows, Kulture Konnect ditches the home office and moves into a commercial office in Costa Mesa, California.

(Costa Mesa, California office

Costa Mesa, California office)


  • Kulture Konnect wraps up in Costa Mesa and moves to Orange, California.


(Orange, California office)


(Norco, California office

Norco, California office)

2005 - 2012

  • The Pachecos run the entire office of Kulture Konnect offering half of the services they offer today. kulture-konnect-celebrates-12-years-of-innovative-design-and-marketing-services.jpg
  • For 7 years Kulture Konnect works with freelancers.


  • Hires first full-time graphic designer.

    2015 - 2017

  • Another graphic designer jumps on board with Kulture Konnect in October of 2015, along with a web developer in December of 2015.

  • With Kulture Konnect expanding marketing services to include social media management and more, Niki and Jorge hire another web developer in April 2016, social media coordinator in August 2016 and a marketing coordinator in September 2016.





Huge Thank You!

We would like to thank our supporters throughout these last 12 years and our clients for believing in us! As always, our continued goal is to not only provide design and marketing services, but also to be your partners for the long haul. 

- The Kulture Konnect Team

Download everything you need to know before choosing a graphic design studio here!

How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio

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