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September 22, 2016

Looking to Start a Career in Marketing? What You Need to Know

woman writing on a notebook with laptop and coffee

Building your career in marketing is similar to building a ladder. You see, sometimes that ladder reaches the sky, after all, the sky is the limit! But even ladders come to a halt. The good news is your career comes with progression. The bad news is, it also reaches setbacks. Yes! Darn! Setbacks! The discouraging road block that all of us have experienced one time or another including myself, that forces you to deal with uncertainty and questions you only wish you had answers to. Well look no further! For we are here to save the day! 

Being new to this industry you might not have a clue what you’re doing!

But guess what? Neither did I! I understood the concept of marketing and advertising. I was confident I wanted to unleash my creativity, but! There came along the word, BUT. I lacked marketing knowledge and a strong marketing background. So, there I was, desperately seeking for ways to get involved! Searching for internships, marketing positions and jotting down requirements. The thing is during this process, I had a million questions! Who on earth would answer my questions?! I knew practically no one in this industry! Doing the research online only aids you to an extent, but nothing beats advice from an industry insider.


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Ladies and gents, I am here to introduce you the great Niki and Jorge!

These two masterminds are more than qualified to give marketing and advertising industry advice, I mean, come on! Kulture Konnect has reached 10 years! This is an accomplishment within itself! So, sit back and soak in the video interview, folks! 




So, what have we learned? Make sure you're avoiding the common mistakes Jorge and Niki mentioned. Remember, you want to be an asset to a company. Work hard! And be dedicated to your career. It is extremely important to build strong relationships with your coworkers as well as your supervisors. Watch the video as much as you'd like and don't forget to take notes! Have any questions? Feel free to leave them at the comments below! 

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 Everything you need to know when searching for the perfect design studio here! Download this checklist today!How to Choose You Graphic Design Studio

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