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July 13, 2017

Maximize Your Restaurant Email Marketing: Focus on Millennials

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Restaurant email marketing is a perfect opportunity to build relationships with prospects, leads, or existing customers. As a restaurant, it is very important to use this platform and establish a great audience in order to keep progressing. Now, the trick is finding the right target market that will engage and make your restaurant email marketing effective. We gathered several statistics that show millennials were found to engage more with your email marketing than any other demographic. They are the perfect target market consisting of the largest generations in the U.S. With that said, let’s take a look at some email marketing and target market statistics.

6 Email Marketing Statistics 

  • 86% of professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes (HubSpot, 2017).

  • There have been over 4 billion downloads of messenger apps (HubSpot).

  • 6 of the top 10 most used apps globally are messaging apps (KPCB).

  • Email use worldwide will top 3 billion users by 2020. (The Radicati Group).

  • 86% of consumers would like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with at least monthly, and 15% would like to get them daily (HubSpot).

  • Outside of work, Americans most commonly check their email while watching TV (70%), from bed (52%), on vacation (50%), while on the phone (43%), from the bathroom (42%), and even while driving (18%)  (Adobe).

>>See for yourself how Kulture Konnect works with clients! Download this email marketing case study here!

JFAT Email Marketing Case Study

 who are they

(Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

8 Important Facts About Millennials

  • Five out of six millennials in the U.S. connect with companies on social media networks (SDL).
  • 66% of millennials in the U.S. follow a company or brand on Twitter and 64% like a company or brand on Facebook to score a coupon or discount (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth).
  • There are 83.1 million millennials in the U.S. (Smith, 2017).
  • Millennials make up 27% of the US population (Smith, 2017).
  • 31% of  millennial smartphone owners partake in online purchases at least 1 a week  (Smith, 2017).
  • According to a study released by Campaigner 51% of millennials selected email as their preferred digital marketing channel (Nelson 2017).
  • 20% of millennials said they are likely to open a brand email message, compared with an average of 15% across generations (Nelson 2017).


Email marketing is a powerful tool to gain prospects, gain leads and keep customers in the loop about new products and services. Learn more about Kulture Konnect's email services here!

Contact us today!

See for yourself how Kulture Konnect works with cleints! Download this email marketing case study here!

JFAT Email Marketing Case Study

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