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November 10, 2016

Pro Tip: 3 Essential Elements Your Website Might Be Missing

website under construction cartoon image

The internet is filled with websites that offer virtually anything you can think of. Attempting to Keep your site at the top and leaving your competitors in the dust is a constant evolving battle. If you're aiming to improve your SEO or just simply enhance your website, first be sure to get the basics right! Here are 3 pro tips that are essential elements your website could be easily missing!


While visual content is becoming more commonly used to deliver content, there's no denying that text is still our go-to when it's time to convey those sweet little details and key pieces of information to keep our viewers on the hook.

Fonts Are Your Right Hand Man

Choosing the right font for you website will vastly improve the overall look and feel of your website even before your readers start digesting your content. Also, be sure whatever type of content you want to establish with your users can also be easily conveyed by your chosen font. Check out these examples below:

Example 1: Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing

The game of Animal Crossing is loved by many due to its cute yet, simple gameplay. The website uses fun and colorful fonts along with images and videos to instantly bring you into another realm outside of your everyday lives.

Example 2: The Nation

The Nation vote for Hillary news article

Websites offering news and information on current events as their key content will want to use fonts that bring clarity and readability to the front. The Nation does this well, using serif fonts, which are considered easier to read and give off a newspaper feel.

Example 3: 1md

Creative Bureau

1md is a digital studio creating innovative content for branding, films and games. For companies such as 1md, creativity is what you're looking for. The font 1md used for their site homepage immediately conveys this.

As seen above, fonts come in all sizes and shapes. The web is filled with a plethora of both free and commercial fonts. A good starting point for finding free fonts are Google Fonts and Font Squirrel; but if you'd rather up the ante of a wider selection, don't be afraid to jump on paid fonts with sites like Lost Type Co-op and Adobe Typekit. Free or paid, always make sure to check for licenses of resources you use from the web. This is the case not only for fonts, but for everything else as well as images and icons!

Grammar and Spelling 

So you've finally chosen and updated your fonts after hours of searching. Great! Don't give yourself a pat on the back quite yet. While beautiful and colorful fonts can reel in more visitors for your site, don't forget why anyone visits your site, content. After deciding on your text your next step is to check for any spelling or grammar errors.

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In this day and age, a non-mobile-friendly design will instantly tell your visitors, "hi, this website was made in the 80's!" after, which they will result to, "farewell!" Making a website responsive is a whole new world. This will definitely take some time and effort on your part,  but it will definitely pay off! You might even consider yourself lucky since back in the olden days, website owners created separate websites just to cater for mobile users! Here are some examples of great responsive design are:


Etsy page

On mobile, the e-commerce store Etsy removes the images from the categories section in their homepage so that it fits nicely in the initial fold, which gives potential customers a good entry point to their diverse selection of products. However, when scrolling down you will be treated with a wide array of products complete with images and text designed to be mobile-friendly to keep those who prefer to see more without having to visit another page.


BuzzFeed blow up image of an article

This website offers news, articles, quizzes and everything you can think of when it comes to buzzing trends and fads. It was rumored that BuzzFeed was looking for a way to condense their content for a mobile-friendly interface and I'd say they accomplished this successfully!


Pinterest page blow up image

Pinterest showcases a card design to keep their content from overwhelming users by allowing them to consume content in an easy bite-sized form. This allows the content-sharing giant to easily switch to a mobile layout without much of a hassle.


Nothing beats when you have content that is keeping your website visitors coming back for more. While writing or creating great content is a whole other dimension to explore, some key points to remember can help you go along way:

Keep Your Information Up-to-Date

Websites that offer informational content are great examples of sites that need to keep their content up-to-date. This means they have to keep up with modern trends and even go back and revisit old articles to amend or revise information and keep their readers updated as well as keeping their readers in general!

Css Tricks blow up image

CSS Tricks is a great example. Chris Coyier's site was and still is my go-to site when it comes to anything CSS. His articles about techniques and current trends in the stylesheet language come in consistently and are always kept up-do-date. This helps users find the information they want even from articles that were written 5 years ago.

Make Use of Visual Content

Today, images and videos are becoming more common. An article without visual content can easily deter users because of its boring and unconcerned feel. For e-commerce sites, images are a must since they're the next best thing since users can't physically pick up the products they want.

Amazon page image

Amazon makes heavy use of images and allows its visual content to speak for the products themselves. Visit an individual product's page and you will be offered an insanely high resolution version of the product's images that will allow you to zoom in and inspect ever detail.

Be Credible and Give Credit

When citing information from the internet, it is only ethical to give credit to each source. To do this, you can add a link to the article itself, the website or even the author's social profile. This gives back to the community as a whole as it only encourages sharing other articles and also adds to the credibility of your site. Earning trust will ensure that you can gain and keep those visiting your site. This article from Nielsen Norman Group perfectly sums up why credibility is important and how to achieve this feel for your visitors.


When you build a website you want it to be a perfect experience for your visitors. Before your website goes live you want to make sure you're using all the elements a website needs in order to perform at it's best. If you're looking to build an efficient and effective website Kulture Konnect can help. Visit our portfolio here: Kulture Konnect.

Are you seeking professionals to build your website? Feel free to contact us: http://kulturekonnect.com/contacts/

For a glimpse of our work visit us here: Kulture Konnect's Website Portfolio

Streamline your website redesign with our 11-STEP CHECKLIST below

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