Any holiday is an opportunity to profit for restaurants, especially on a holiday like Father's Day, where families get together and take dads out to celebrate their special day. With Father's Day sales breaking records in 2016 reaching, a record high of $14.3 billion, there's no doubt this year will reach similar numbers, or possibly more. We want to help you reach your sales goal, or even break a sales record, so we came up with three easy, yet effective Father's Day restaurant promotion ideas that'll get your profits soaring.
1. Create a Father's Day Viral Social Media Campaign

Do these viral social media campaigns look familiar? You might have seen the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and 2015 Straight Outta Compton movie promotion on Instagram. These two are perfect examples of successful social media campaigns gone viral.
It's always an excellent idea to get users involved in your campaign. Run a Father's Day contest on social media and announce the promotion or deal on your social media platforms. Encourage your users to upload a photo of their dad. Come up with a catchy hashtag your fans can use such as #FathersDayChallenge and have your followers "describe dad in 4 words." Be the judge of the best post and the winner takes dad to your restaurant for free.
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2. Promote Father's Day Brunch Weekend

Brunch is usually held on Sundays, but don't be afraid to change it up! Since Father's Day will bring in crowds and plenty of people will be thinking the same thing, take dad out for lunch or dinner. Giving customers an extra day to celebrate means you will also have an extra day of a sales boost. Host a Father's Day brunch weekend, starting that Saturday. Decide on a time and menu. I highly recommend you encourage customers to make reservations. This will give you an idea of how many people to expect.
3. Announce a Special Offer: Fathers Receive a Complimentary Gift

Customers love free items! Offer a complimentary gift such as a fun mug, a free dessert or drink to the first 100 dads. Make sure this product or item is appealing. If you choose something that no one is going to be interested in, then you can forget about getting customers in for Father's Day.
Putting a limit on how many customers get to receive the product creates urgency. This will encourage your customers to get there first, before everyone else. Be sure to promote this on your social media channels, at your restaurant, on your website, and in your email campaigns. Getting the word out should be the focus.
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