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May 30, 2017

Is Your Website Ranking? SEO Statistics to Consider

cup of coffee and a tablet with seo texts on it

SEO? What's That?

SEO has been a topic of hot debate for years now, but what is it really? In a nutshell, it's making your webpage appear on Google when you search for something.

That's right. When you search for something on the internet, your default search engine will offer you a list of results arranged in order of relevance. Who determines this relevance, you ask? Why, it's the search engine itself. There are a bunch of search engines you can use and all of them have their own algorithms to determine how much a certain piece of content is relevant to what you just searched for. SEO is the practice of making your content appear on a search result with words that you want to be found on.

SEO is Not Dead

For years now, many have claimed that SEO is dead or dying. This is simply not true, especially when around 93% of all internet traffic has been coming from search engines.

As confusing and mysterious as SEO can be, it is still very much alive and thriving. Techniques come and go and the SEO landscape is constantly evolving, but some things never change. For example, being on page one on a SERP is still worlds apart better than being on page two.

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Why is SEO Important?

With that said, here are some of the most important SEO statistics that could give your online sales a boost and not to mention, help you on your own search engine optimization:

Your Content Should be Quality!

With all of that said, there are still a lot of things we don't know for sure about SEO, and with that new things are also popping up as well. However, with what we've explored so far, we can derive some essential rules to stick by when dealing with SEO:

  • Write quality, useful content for your target audience

  • Regularly update content, especially for keywords you want to continue to rank for

  • Follow best web practices and make sure your own website loads fast and is up-to-date with modern standards

  • Make quality connections; link to quality and authoritative sources

  • Carefully utilize third-party platforms. Make the best use of social media platforms and third-party tools to help your marketing efforts


With this knowledge in hand, we hope you've gained a better understanding of what SEO is, why it's important and how you can get started with it.

Be sure to check out, "10 Reasons Why a Blog is Essential to Building Organic Web Traffic" and discover another SEO tactic.

Seeking professionals to build your website and grow your SEO? Contact us for more information here.

Visit here for more services.

Redesign your website with this easy

11-Step Checklist. Download today!

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