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July 31, 2018

Crafting a Successful Social Media Strategy for Your Social Presence

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Why do we have maps and compasses? So, that they can help us to find the right direction we want to go. The same can be said about how proper marketing strategies help with your social media presence. When the incorrect marketing strategy –or no strategy at all– is employed, the results could lead your social media footprint off a cliff.

To say that successful social media brands or personalities are were they are, with thousands of followers, was purely by happenstance would be a great disservice to the strategies and campaigns that have been designed to help bolster their following. Most, if not all, brands and personalities have social media strategies they follow and align with their social media goals and target markets. 

It is imperative that businesses have a marketing strategy when they break into social media or if they are currently involved with social media.

Focusing on Specific Goals

Every business has a marketing direction they want to pursue with a target market they want to capture. The creation of a well-developed social media strategy is designed to reach specific users and convey specific messages that match the tone and voice of a particular brand or personality.

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This may seem like a whole bunch of marketing mumbo-jumbo, but, simply put, how brands and social personalities display themselves is entirely indicative of the goals they wish to pursue. There are hundreds of thousands of brands who offer completely different products and services to customers. Thus, each of these brands will have different strategies to reach their ideal customers. 

Your Target Audience & Consumer Research

Honing in on who your product or service is targeting should be your number one priority. Only then can you understand your customers. How they think, how they act, the types of media they like, the level of communication and customer service they want. The understanding of your target market will help to shape the form of your marketing strategy as it applies to social media.

Maybe your business has embraced advertising and is willing to supply a budget for paid ads on social media or maybe you want to go more of an organic approach to brand awareness on social media. The point here is that there is no right answer. Not in some cliché way but your brand has to keep constant focus on always employing the proper marketing strategy for your brand.

Marketing is not a magic formula, it is a trial and error solution. But, if left unchecked, a half-thought marketing strategy will run your social media astray, costing your business money for the wasted time spent. This is why brands will constantly tweak their approach to social media by trying new ideas, new campaigns and new methods of delivering content that will get their target market excited. 

Take the time to review your social media presence or allow the team at Kulture Konnect to do a completely free and thorough review of your social media program to help give you some basic insights in the steps you should take with your social media strategy. Learn more about our social media strategy service here

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