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February 14, 2017

Fall Head Over Heels in Love With Our New Graphic Designer


A few months ago our studio was in search of an additional graphic designer to join our Kulture Konnect team. Lo and behold, we were blessed to have a very special talent walk through our door. She is intelligent, extremely creative and impressively knowledgable in design. Watch out! Don't challenge her! She might school you. Not to mention, she takes up each task beautifully. So far, we can't recall a time we were disappointed with her work!

Let's just say this lovely woman can design with her eyes closed. We don't want to brag too much, but it's safe to say she is every graphic design studio's dream! These qualities are more than enough reasons to fall head over heels in love with our new graphic designer, Deanna Benson! Welcome to the team! 

Watch Deanna's video interview above as she shares 3 fun facts about herself!

1. KK: When starting out in graphic design, what’s something you wish someone would have told you? 

DB: You will never learn enough. Learn to love to learn. Also, these jobs or projects aren't your babies; they belong to someone else. You are like a surrogate mother. You help them be born, but someone else has to live with them. 

2. KK: How do you adapt to evolving design trends? 

DB: I would rather make them, than follow them. But sometimes you are not in that position. If that is the case, I try to find an innovative way of incorporating it into the design. 

3. KK: In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of really awesome design? 

DB: The first priority should be that it is functional, but part of being functional means that it needs to be memorable and that you need to incorporate creativity and innovation in an elegant, yet powerful way. 

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4. KK: What is your favorite design program to work in? 

DB: Different programs are needed for different projects. For logos my go-to application would be Illustrator. For brochures, inDesign. I like the fluidity of photoshop. If it's a flyer I might start there. 

5. KK: What made you want to pursue a career in graphic design? 

DB: My parents owned a graphic business when I was younger. When we were on family drives we would call out fonts on billboards. My first toy I can remember was a little print press, where I could fill the trays with ink, create masks, and turn a crank as I watched the process appear on a piece of paper. On one side of us we had a neighbor that was a professional photographer; on the other side was a writer. If I had tried to be anything else I would have been fighting the system. 

6. KK: What have you learned so far at Kulture Konnect? 

DB: I am learning so much here. Everyone is extremely knowledgeable and I'm learning new shortcuts and different ways of doing things that are teaching me to be so much more efficient than I have been in the past. I am very grateful to be here.  


We welcome Deanna with open arms and are extremely excited about what she has already brought to the table at Kulture Konnect! Our team looks forward to what 2017 holds for Deanna! 


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