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January 09, 2017

Kulture Konnect's Creative Team Empowers Attainable Goals for 2017

2017 resolutions

Many of us have been guilty one time or another of starting off the new year with personal or professional goals such as heading back to the gym, starting a family, purchasing a new car, improving your branding (or rebranding), restaurants sales, starting your own business, improving your profits, and even updating your restaurant menu. As committed and motivated you might seemingly be, actions will always speak louder than words, right? The problem is not everyone always follows through with their goals. I have two words for you: discipline and effort. It takes discipline and effort to keep going after what you want.

Was 2016 one of the worst years of your life? For that reason alone you're discouraged because you're still looking back? Or you might've had an amazing 2016 and looking to walk in a similar direction in 2017. Life is unpredictable. We can't control everything, but we still have control over our choices.  In order to get to where you ultimately want to be, you have to push yourself to get up, change your mindset and as Nike would say, "just do it." Everyone, yes, EVERYONE has potential. Everyone has purpose and ANYTHING is possible.  But it's up to you to make it happen. 

Setting goals is exciting, inspiring and empowering, but accomplishing them is rewarding. The growth you experience is the most valuable part of reaching your goals. We want to challenge and inspire each and everyone of you to make a choice today to put your goals to work.

Trust us! We are right there with you. Our Kulture Konnect creative team is excited to share with you several of our very own attainable goals we are confident we will reach in 2017: 

2017: GOAL, PLAN and ACTION 

Jorge Pacheco - (CEO-Founder)


  • Travel more… Europe and  South America are on the radar
  • Do more woodworking…. At least one project
  • Teach my sons to ride a bicycle


Nikita Pacheco - (CEO-Founder)


  • Continue to work out 3-5 times a week the entire year

  • Travel to Chile with my family

  • Try 2 new things

  • Go salsa dancing 4 times

  • Long weekend get-away with Jorge


  • Take 2 seminars/classes on manager skills

  • Double Kulture Konnect gross income

  • Do consistent monthly check-ins with each member of the KK team

  • Keep desk more organized on a regular basis

  • Continue to have fun and have faith in the journey

Marisa - (Graphic Designer)


  • Finish 2 books that I started almost year and a half ago

  • Step out of my comfort zone when it comes to activities

  • Learn more / improve on photography and ASL 


  • Continue working on mistakes made so by the end of the year it's very minimal

  • Continue to grow as a designer

Shruti - (Social Media Coordinator) 


  • First write   down a list of my goals. (I always make it in my head)

  • Travel and explore more places

  • Lose some pounds

  • Keep my personal blog updated with at least one blog post a week


  • Attend more digital marketing seminars and webinars

  • Brainstorm more to create more engaging content

  • Focus on organic growth for our clients

 >> Don't wait! Start today! Click here to find out 101 Reasons Why You Should Consider Rebranding Your Business this year

Deanna - (Graphic Designer)


  • Get more organized

  • Hike more. Explore more. Venture to places I've never been.

  • Take more photos

  • Work on my illustration style

  • Learn more about wood working


  • Master Paragraph styles and Character styles as well as other tips and techniques

  • Learn all I can in order to function more efficiently and creatively

  • Grow, explore and challenge myself in all areas

  • Absorb all I can about social media, marketing, design and coding

  • Attend more seminars 

Silvia - (Marketing Coordinator)


  • Finish college

  • Travel at least once this year

  • Continue to save up to purchase a home

  • Get more involved in church

  • Be more active (gym sessions)


  • Work on becoming a better writer

  • Attend more workshops and events pertaining to marketing, social media and blogging

  • Learn more about SEO

  • Gain more experience with content marketing

  • Conduct more research on blogging, content marketing and social media 

Kents - (Web Designer)


  • Lose weight!

  • Face my fear of traveling so I can do a surprise visit back home


  • Grow more as a web developer

  • Network! Connect with other web developers

If you are looking to rebrand your business and are committed to reach your full potential this year we want to help. Please contact us here: http://www.kulturekonnect.com/contacts/


Find out 101 Reasons Why You Should Consider Rebranding Your Business this year:

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