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Niki Pacheco
October 05, 2017

What Your Marketing Firm Isn't Telling You About Your Rebrand

a man wrote rebranding

Thinking about a rebrand? Here are some things to look out for while looking for your perfect brand partner. The most important factor when looking for that perfect partner? Trust. It’s everything when it comes to hiring a marketing firm to do a rebrand. Why is trust such an important factor? Because you’re handing over the business you spent hours on end building from the ground up. So, now you want to hand it over to a complete stranger and see all your hardwork go to waste?

We didn’t think so.

So let’s do this right and let you in on the warning signs you may encounter when you’re rebranding with a marketing firm that is not a good fit.

Considering a rebrand? Here are 101 reasons to go through with it. Download here.

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  1. They don’t really understand your business. Yes, they know a lot about design but they don’t know why your customers buy and therefore can’t communicate the brand’s values. Don’t go hire some fancy artist. Look for a team that has both artistic and business sense. You definitely need both. One simply isn’t going to cut it.
  2. They’re not interested in listening to you. Sound familiar? You leave a two hour meeting and it seems like everyone is in agreement on the direction the brand will take and three days later you get the design work and it’s not even remotely close to what you had in mind. This is a big red flag. And what it means is you’re working with a marketing firm that knows how to sell and not much else. It could also mean that they can’t handle their workflow and are trying to crank out as many projects as possible to generate revenue for themselves, which leads us to number three.
  3. They are vague about their pricing. This shows that they are newbies and do not really know how to have THE CONVERSATION! A seasoned studio knows thie is important to your pocketbook and "the talk" needs to happen sooner rather than later. Nothing more trusting than a company who gets to the point about money and is honest and straightforward.

There are plenty of marketing firms out there. There are very few that understand branding, much less rebranding. And there are even fewer you can truly trust to take you through the entire process. If you do not know where to start, begin with taking a look at our rebranding checklist

If you are on the fence about a rebrand project, feel free to contact us to discuss! No obligations. Just a solid talk about your goals and what possible solutions are available to reach your goals.


Considering a rebrand? Here are 101 reasons to go through with it.

Download here.

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