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November 02, 2017

[Guest Blog] 4 Quick SEO Blog Tips That Will Get Your Website Ranking

SEO blog on a tablet

How do you write high quality content that is SEO friendly? Some people might think it's impossible. To begin with, writing can be time consuming and blending that with SEO can seem like an uphill battle, but it doesn't have to be. It's important to remember that Google is looking for original, high quality content. The days of over optimizing your content and stuffing keywords in every nook and cranny are over with. In this post, I’ll explain four important SEO blog tips you should implement in your writing strategy.

1) Do a little keyword research before you begin.

Select a specific keyword to build your content around (examples: Christmas, Hubspot Tips, Grand Opening, St. Patrick's Day, etc...). Your keyword should not be stuffed throughout your post, but should appear in these five critical locations:

The article heading

The title of the page

The URL of the page

The content of the article

The meta-description 


2) Google likes long articles

But not too long that you scare your visitors away. We recommend 500-800 words per post, but no less than 500. If you have a post that is going to be extremely long we like to suggest breaking that post up into parts for your readers: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc...

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3) Posts should include internal links and external links

Try to find at least one relevant landing page within your website to include an internal link within the content of your post. Your internal link should link directly to the website page (not in a new tab, or window).

No matter how awesome your website is, you can never be all things to all people, which is why it's important to link out to relevant sources. When adding external links to other websites you should setup those links to open in a new tab/page. Keep people engaged on your website for as long as possible, but give them the opportunity to visit additional sources on the web.

4) Include visuals

Because “a picture is worth a thousand words”. We always recommend including at least one relevant image. Rename your image file name to include the keyword before uploading it to your post. For example, if your keyword is "Grand Opening" rename your image to: grand-opening-pittsburgh-pa.jpg. It's also important not to forget to add an Image Alt Tag to your image so Google know what that image is about. In this example we would recommend a slightly altered version of the image file name, such as "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Grand Opening."

Remember not to get frustrated, because search engine optimization is a long-term strategy that pays off in the long run. It should be something you invest time in perfecting. If you want to climb the organic rankings for your industry keywords, your website should provide the best match for people searching for those relevant keywords. Creating original blog content with some slight SEO modifications will set you up for success and Google will reward you for your efforts.

Kevin Watts Bio

Kevin Watts

Kevin Watts is the founder of Raincross, based in Riverside, CA. Raincross is a premier digital marketing agency serving clients across the world. Kevin got his start in online marketing by working for some of the most prominent names in online retail. He's most recognized for helping to start e-commerce retailer Organize.com in 1998, and spent 12 years running the company's e-commerce and online marketing operations. He has been recognized and has received several online retail, marketing and merchandising awards throughout his career. Kevin grew up in Riverside, CA and graduated from the University of Wyoming. In his spare time, Kevin is an avid fly-fisherman, college football fan, and enjoys spending time with his son Matthew, daughter Kate, and wife Lindsey.

Today, more and more consumers use the internet to search for products and services they need. Gain credibility by having a responsive professional website. Contact us today for details, (951) 479-5411.

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