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Marisa Soliz
August 14, 2018

5 Steps to Executing the Perfect Brand Relaunch

Branding note on a blue green background

Has your company come to a stagnant halt, and your brand just isn't doing it for you anymore? It might be time for a rebrand and that can mean a lot of things when it comes to a company but we're going to focus on the aspect of branding. This allows you to benefit of the market audience and yourself as a company.

Companies tend to base their branding on what the audience and target market is when the company opens their doors to the world. But then, time flies by and as the years pass your company develops and changes during that time.  Maybe at the beginning you were a one-stop shop and didn't have anything that you were mainly focused on, and now you have evolved as a company and need to reassess your niche. Typically a company will go through a rebrand every 5-10 years. It is a necessity to keep up with the changing trends. Here are 5 tips to consider as you contemplate a brand relaunch.

1. Understand Your Audience

Its imperative that you study your audience and what attracts them. For example, say you're a creative marketing studio but your logo looks like a high school sports patch. That can confuse your audience because they won't associate what you do with the logotype branding you chose to represent the company. Your main goal is to grab your audiences' attention and keep it. To do that, you need to understand what stands out visually to them. 

Are you gearing up for a company-wide rebrand?

Download this free rebranding checklist to get you started!

Rebranding Checklist

2. Position Yourself

Saying "come to me! I'm the best" isn't going to win you any customers. Proving your worth will get you your clients. Now I'm sure you're wondering "how can I sell myself?" Well here's a couple of ways that you can position your company to attract clients.

Blogging: This will help share the knowledge you have with the world including your clients. It shows you know what you're talking about and how you can help your potential clients.

Case Studies: These show case what you can do and how you can execute the solutions to the problems that you're given by your clients. Create case studies based on big jobs you've previously done with some of your clients.

Freebies: Offer freebies through your blog, maybe it's just social media headers for a month, or a free consultation... something to grow that budding relationship with new clients.

3. Design

Once you've figured out your target market and set up ways to position yourself its time to start building your brand. Create a logo that is strong enough and resembles your self and your company. When that is finalized you'll want to build out other collateral pieces i.e. business cards, letterheads, social media images. Anything that you hand out or put out on social media should have some design, resemblance leading back to who you are.

4. Build Anticipation

Hooray! Your rebrand is ready for launch but like any company, I am sure you still have some tweaks to make. No worries! It's best to build some anticipation for this launch. Maybe do a grid post that reveals your new logo little by little on Instagram. Perhaps a countdown will get the job done, a little 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... and a post revealing your new brand. Small and short lead ups are best because if it takes to long to do the big reveal you'll lose your potential client's attention.

5. Launch

Now it's time to launch. You've spent days and months perfecting this new brand. You're proud of it and excited to get it out into the public eye. Try a blog post talking about the journey of your company, showcasing where you came from to where you are now. Allow yourself to re-introduce your company to the world.

In conclusion your brand is the face of your company. Present yourself to the right audience and kick butt at what you do. Your audience will change but that doesn't mean you need to do an overhaul on your branding each time. Adjust with the change but keep with your niche and never give it up because in the end your hard work and dedication is how you got your clients in the first place.

Looking to rebrand? We can help. Get a free quote here.

Are you gearing up for a company-wide rebrand?

Download this free rebranding checklist to get you started!

Rebranding Checklist

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