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Shruti Kapadia
October 17, 2017

5 Popular Brands Killing it on Social Media and How

Content note

In social media marketing, content is king! The primary purpose of content marketing in social media is to establish a connection between your audience and your brand. What you post, where you post, when, who you post it to and how you post your social media content all contributes to the success of your social media marketing.

A little over 80 percent of the U.S. population has a social media profile, which is a reminder why social media is a powerful marketing tool to businesses today. Producing an effective social media strategy is not just an option, it is a necessity.

Let’s take a look at some household name brands who are not only taking their social media strategies to a whole new level but also setting new trends for businesses to follow.


1] Nike



Nike is a perfect example of creative content. When you combined the right strategy with creative content the results are incredible. One of the main reasons Nike is so popular is not only due to their trendy products but also because of the way they choose to share their brand message. Nike has become an authority figure to the sports and fitness industry. Athletes around the globe are representing Nike and the best part of it is the message they tell. Athletes from Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant to Cristiano Ronaldo to Serena Williams to Kevin Durant have all shared their most personal stories through Nike making their content relatable, personable, motivational and inspirational.

We admire Nike's ad strategy, how they use social media to get their message across and how their message connects with their audience. Their Facebook page is a perfect blend of image and videos that are motivating, upbeat and trendy. Nike shares uplifting content, inspirational videos, and motivational quotes, making their content stand out from the crowd.

Kulture Konnect will help you determine where you are in your social media marketing and where it needs to be.

Receive a free custom social media audit that will pinpoint areas for improvement and help you reach more people, receive higher engagement, and more conversions. 

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2] Amazon

Amazon is all over the digital world not only with their social media but also their ad campaigns that filter audience based on interest. When creative content is combined with buying behavior, it creates an impact that one cannot skip through. 


3] Taco Bell



If there is any brand that gets it right on SnapChat, it’s definitely Taco Bell. From creative filters to interesting SnapChat stories that would make skipping through impossible. Taco Bell surely entices it’s audience to engage and crave their tacos you wish you had right now.

Not to forget it’s brand collaborations with Forever 21 clothing.


4] Sephora

The popular make-up brand, Sephora, is not only producing and collaborating with good make-up brands but also making it's presence on social media hard to resist. Their Facebook is a perfect example of an e-commerce job done right with creative images and product placement and creating an overall convenient shopping experience.

What we admire about Sephora is the fact that they understand their audience. They understand what their audience wants to see, what they need and what they want to watch. And updating their social media every time they host an event at any stores is a good strategy to get foot traffic.


upcoming events


5] Charmin

What comes to mind when you see Charmin? Yep, thought so. The toilet paper brand gets itself noticed with witty tweets and funny posts. They also do a great job at educating their followers about hygiene.

Who would have thought creativity existed in promoting toilet paper? 

sample tweets


Wait for it....

Combining current news with their product line is a task that not every brand is able to pull off, but Charmin on the other hand did a great job with this news and the result was endless shares and comments. We applaud your savagery!

article sample

 So, remember, think outside the box!

Are you unhappy with your social media marketing? Need a new social media strategy? Contact us here! Or give us a call (951) 479-5411


Kulture Konnect will help you determine where you are in your social media marketing and where it needs to be.

Receive a free custom social media audit that will pinpoint areas for improvement and help you reach more people, receive higher engagement, and more conversions. 

Click here to learn more.

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