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March 02, 2017

Measuring and Marketing: Get Free Social Media Analytics Tools Here

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With social media being utilized as a marketing tool to grow your brand recognition, engage with your consumers and convert a lead into a sale, you want to be able to measure and review your results effectively. According to Adweek, an interesting 51% of small businesses primarily focus on page views when it comes to social media metrics. With the data you can glean from your social media efforts, the last thing you want is to focus on the wrong information and analytics.

With an overwhelming amount of reporting data to process, it is fairly easy to leave out the most vital metrics. Our Social Media Reporting E-Book and ready-to-use social media analytics tools will teach you how to execute an impressive and valuable social media report that will demonstrate the success of your efforts in a blink of an eye. 

Download your free

Social Media Reporting Toolkit Here!
Measure Your Social Media Success 

Kulture Konnect understands the value behind social media marketing and providing a concise report.  Your social media report will prove if your marketing efforts are paying off and what areas need improvement. Without direction and how to execute a social media report properly, it will be difficult to not only share results, but present them as well. Below is a glimpse of what your download will include.

Kulture Konnect's Social Media Reporting Toolkit Key Features

With this valuable toolkit you will receive:

  • Social Media Reporting 101 E-Book  

    Includes a 9-page cheat sheet that explains in-depth tactics on how to successfully execute your monthly reports.

  • Social Media Reporting Template 

    Includes a bonus 18-page ready-to-use Power point template to get your report done successfully in no time.

Click here for more information.

Download This Reporting Toolkit Today!

Your social media report is a vital piece to how your brand operates on social media platforms and presenting the ROI warranting its value. Our guide will help you create a well-structured social media report that clearly shows you how to present the key results and insights. Download our free Social Media Reporting Toolkit  below. 

If you are seeking professionals to manage your social media, contact us here for more information.

Visit our social media portfolio to get a glimpse of our work here.

You are a click away from getting your hands on this ready-to-use

Social Media Reporting Toolkit!

Download Today!

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