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May 09, 2017

A Mother's Day Tribute to 6 Entrepreneur Moms

flower on a table with happy mothers day note

In honor of Mother's Day, Kulture Konnect wanted to pay tribute to several entrepreneur moms we've had the pleasure of working with throughout the years. Being a entrepreneur mother is hard work, but possible! Let this be an inspiration and empower women from all walks of life .

Kulture Konnect is proud to acknowledge the roles these women play as business women and as moms. We asked these ladies how they manage to be awesome mothers, raising their beautiful babies in becoming amazing adults some day all while working day in and day out to satisfy their family life at home. Meet the hardworking mothers below and find out what they had to say.


Rosemary Doody - Brand Builder, Independent Contractor

Rosemary Doody

Here's my advice to all working moms, both new moms and those who've been at it a while: 

"Figure out why you chose to be a parent, not just why you chose to have kids... but why you chose to parent."

It's the single most important job you will have. Parenting another human being is an amazing, challenging, rewarding, joyous responsibility. If you  can figure out why you want to parent, all the other stuff will fall into place.

Margaret Townsend - President, Animal Insect & Pest Management

Nikis family picture"A mom never needs to worry about leaving her mark on this earth when she loves and encourages them [her children]; only great things can come from that."


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Susan Gill - Licensed Midwife/Certified Professional Midwife, Blessed Beginnings Midwifery

Susan Gill family picture


"I wouldn't change my grandchildren for the world, but wish I could change the world for my grandchildren."




Lelani Kroeker - Business Owner, CLR Marketing

Lelani Kroeker family picBeing a mom is an amazing gift for me. I work very hard to find that balance between work/ family and made a decision to leave Corporate America and start my own business because I was having a difficult time making sure my family was a priority. That switch from Corporate America to having a career where I can set my own schedule and my own pace has made a world of difference in my success at finding that balance and resetting my priorities. I’m so much more fulfilled and my family is thriving. For me, my motto is work hard, play hard and that transcends how I think about work/life balance. I work hard in the moment of work to create quality  time with my family.

"If someone asked me for advice on a few simple things that have worked for my family I would share the following; eat dinner together as a family with no electronics, create game night, a night where you engage together as a family and  lastly, leave the work at the office, if you can."

Someone once said, “BE IN THE MOMENT” and if that moment is time with the family, then make sure it’s time with the family. 

Margaret Schroeder - Director of Marketing, Specialty Restaurants Corporation

Margaret Schroeder and son pic

"It takes a village!"

I have great support from my husband, family and our child care provider. It makes it a lot easier to be at work when I know my little guy is being well taken care of and loved by everyone when I’m away. I also have a webcam set up at home so I can check in when I’m away.


"Lastly, I think it makes the time we spend together more fun and exciting so we always try to plan some special things to do together on the weekends!"

I’m also very grateful that my employer provides a flexible working arrangement for me. I wasn’t sure if they’d be open to this, but it’s worked out great for both of us. I was nervous asking, but I went to them with a plan and a schedule. You won’t know, unless you ask! 

Niki Pacheco - CEO & President, Kulture Konnect Marketing Design Studio

Niki Pacheco and sons picA few years ago there came a crossroads in my life when I contemplated whether I wanted to continue being a working mother or shift over to become a stay-at-home mother. During that time I grappled with ideas of balance, success, guilt, time and what it meant to be a mother and how that would be reflected in my future. As a result of this soul-searching, I realized that spending quality time with my boys was what mattered the most (the key word being "quality" here) and that I would be able to best accomplish that QUALITY time by continuing to do what I love... running Kulture Konnect during business hours and spending quality time with my family after hours and on weekends.

"Being a mother doesn't mean  I need to spend every waking and sleeping hour with my children. In the end, being a mother means connecting with my boys and showing them, through actions of love and sacrifice, what it means to live life to its fullest and love deeply."

It means taking advantage of little teaching moments every single day to help them learn, develop and grow into the people they are meant to be. It means letting them make decisions, make mistakes, and always being there for them to lean on (or even push away) during all of these important learning curves. But most of all, it means supporting them in their life's journey with love and emotional presence.

Before having kids, I always half-jokingly said that I wanted to skip being a mother and just go straight to being a grandmother. But now, that is so far from the truth! I would never trade this opportunity to learn about myself through my children, to watch them fall and get back up again, to watch them shine or to watch them grow. As time flies by, I gain more and more appreciation for the decisions and sacrifices that MY mom made (and continues to make) in her life to help lift me up and support me in my life's path and I will be forever grateful to her. Happy Mother's Day to All! May we all be guided with love and patience on the crazy roller coaster ride called motherhood! 

 Even entrepreneur mothers need a little hand in hiring the perfect graphic design studio for their business!

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