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Cutting-Edge Marketing to Grow Your Business.

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Mariana Vera

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Posts by Mariana Vera

Everything You Need to Know How To Build Your Restaurant Branding

Whether you are working on branding your new restaurant or rebranding an existing one, res...

Holiday Email Marketing for Restaurants: 6 Ways How to Get it Right

For many restaurants, the holiday period, spanning from November to New Years day, is not ...

KK's Creative Marketing Team Shares Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is a time when all of us get together whether it's family, coworkers and frie...

Top 5 Challenges the Hotel Industry Face and How to Overcome Them

Running and owning a hotel means that you are facing plenty of competition. In order to co...

Hospitality Trends: Take Note From These 6 SoCal Restaurants & Bars

In the restaurant industry, it can be a difficult task to create a new concept for your re...

7 Proven Ways to Increase Your Web Traffic

The amount of web traffic your business receives is a way to analyze if your brand is catc...

4 Sure Signs You Need a Restaurant Makeover

Oh no! Your restaurant isn't filling up tables like it used to. But why? It's certainly no...

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Restaurant Wait Times

Good news! Your restaurant is everyone's favorite place to stop by and enjoy dinner every ...

7 Pros & Cons Using Groupon to Build Your Wine Club Membership

Promoting your wine club subscription can be tough. It may only interest those who know th...

Boost Restaurant Sales With Text Message Marketing This Holiday Season

The holiday season is among us and you know what that means for your restaurant... less an...

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The 4 Most Important Inbound Marketing Metrics to ...

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If you’re running a business, then you need to be paying attention to inbound marketing metrics. ...

Marketing Automation in Inbound Marketing

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If you're like most business owners, you're always looking for ways to increase website conversion ...

Paid Advertising and Inbound Marketing: A Winning ...

Posted by Jorge Pacheco
If you're a business owner, then you know that in order to be successful, you need to constantly be ...

Proper Website Conversion Strategies

Posted by Niki Pacheco
If you're running a business, it's important to know how to convert incoming leads into customers. ...

How Inbound Marketing and Social Media Work ...

Posted by Niki Pacheco
If you're a business owner, then you know that in order to be successful, you need to constantly be ...